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单词 kent-
释义 kent-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: center,eccentric重要派生词为: center,eccentric2. To prick, jab.刺,戳.3. center ; amniocentesis , dicentra , eccentric , from Greek  kentein , to prick. center ; amniocentesis , dicentra , eccentric , 源自 希腊语  kentein , to prick. 4. Suffixed form*kent-to- . cestus 1 , from Greek  kestos , belt, girdle. 添加后缀的形式*kent-to- . cestus 1 , 源自 希腊语  kestos , 带子, 腰带. 语源:Pokorny&9{çent-}  567. 波科尔尼&9{çent-}  567.  Kent 1  Kent  AHD:  [kµnt] D.J.  [kent]K.K.  [kWnt]NONE(无词性)1. A region and former kingdom of southeast England. Jutes settled in the area in the fifth centurya.d. , displacing the original inhabitants and establishing one of the seven kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy. Converted to Christianity in 597, the people of Kent later became subject to the kingdoms of Mercia and Wessex. 肯特郡:英格兰东南部一区和以前的王国。公元 5世纪朱特人在此定居,赶走了原有居民并建立了盎格鲁-撒克逊七王国中的一个。597年,肯特郡人皈依基督教,后来成为麦西亚王国和西塞克斯王国的臣民 2. A city of northeast Ohio east-northeast of Akron. Kent State University (founded 1910) is in the city and was the site of a 1970 demonstration against the Vietnam War in which four students were killed by members of the National Guard. Population, 28,835.肯特市:美国俄亥俄州东北部城市,位于亚克朗东北偏东方向。肯特州立大学(建于1910年)位于此城,在1970年举行的反越南战争的游行中,四名学生被国民警卫队成员枪杀。人口28,8353. A city of west-central Washington south of Seattle. A newly urbanized community in a former farming region, it is a food-processing center with an aerospace industry. Population, 37,960.肯特市:美国华盛顿州中西部城市,位于西雅图南部。是一个位于原农业区的新近城市化了的社区,同时又是一个航天工业的食品加工中心。人口37,960 Kent 2  Kent&B{Corita}  Known as &b{“Sister Corita.”}(&b{1918-1986})  NONE(无词性)American artist noted for her prints and for the “Love” postage stamp she designed (1985).肯特,科里达:(1918-1986) 美国艺术家,以其拓印作品和所设计的“爱”代邮标记(1985年)而著名 Kent 3  Kent&B{James} (&b{1763-1847})  NONE(无词性)American jurist who as chief judge of the New York Supreme Court (1804-1823) revived the use of equity in the American legal system.肯特,詹姆斯:(1763-1847) 美国法学家,作为纽约州最高法院首席法官(1804-1823年)在美国司法制度中重新运用衡平法 Kent 4  Kent&B{Rockwell} (&b{1882-1971})  NONE(无词性)American artist noted for his stark woodcuts, which illustrated published accounts of his travels and special editions of classic literary works.肯特,罗克韦尔:(1882-1971) 美国画家,以其质朴的木版画著名,他的木版画显示了已出版的有关他的旅行的描绘,有的还是展示古典文学作品的特殊版本 kent  kent  AHD:  [kµnt] D.J.  [kent]K.K.  [kWnt]v.Scots (动词)【苏格兰】 A past tense and a past participle of ken ken的过去式和过去分词




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