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单词 key
释义 key[ki:]n. 钥匙, 键, 解答, 关键, 要害, 基调, 线索, 答案, 暗礁vt. 调音, 锁上, 提供线索vi. 使用钥匙【计】 键, 密钥【化】 键【医】 电钥, 栓体, 键【经】 关键, 要害; 主要的相关词组:have the key of the streetin a minor keykey upput the key under the doorthe key toall in the same key key 1  key 1  AHD:  [k¶] D.J.  [ki8]K.K.  [ki]n.(名词)  【复数】 keys 1. A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.钥匙:有沟槽的一种金属工具,用于开或锁住锁2. A similar device used for opening or winding:钥匙:用于开或旋转的类似装置:the key of a clock; a can that has a key attached.闹钟上发条的钥匙;配有钥匙的罐头3. A means of access, control, or possession.手段:到达、控制或占有的方法4. A vital, crucial element.关键:至关重要的基本成分5. A set of answers to a test.答案:试题的解答6. A table, gloss, or cipher for decoding or interpreting.密码本、索引:用于破译或解释的表格、词表或索引7. A device, such as a wedge or pin, inserted to lock together mechanical or structural parts.楔、栓:象楔、栓一样的一种装置,插入以使机械或结构部件锁在一起8. Architecture The keystone in the crown of an arch.【建筑学】 拱顶石:位于拱顶的塞缝石9. A button or lever that is pressed with the finger to operate a machine.键:手指触压用来操作机器的按钮或杆10. Music A button or lever that is pressed with the finger to produce or modulate the sound of an instrument, such as a clarinet or piano.【音乐】 键:用手指触压以产生或调节乐器(如单簧管、钢琴)的声音11. Music 【音乐】 12. A tonal system consisting of seven tones in fixed relationship to a tonic, having a characteristic key signature and being since the Renaissance the structural foundation of the bulk of Western music; tonality.调、主音:包括七个与主音有固定关系的音色的调音系统,有独特的调号,自文艺复兴以来一直是西方音乐主体的结构基础;调性13. The principal tonality of a work:调子:主要调性:an etude in the key of E.E大调练习曲14. The pitch of a voice or other sound.声高:嗓音或其他声音的音高15. A characteristic tone or level of intensity, as of a speech or sales campaign. Often used in combination:基调:演讲或销售竞赛的特色性调子或激烈程度,常用于复合词:high-key; low-key.高调;低调16. Botany The key fruit.【植物学】 翅果17. An outline of the distinguishing characteristics of a group of organisms, used as a guide in taxonomic identification.检表:一组生物的明显特征的概括,用于指导分类检查18. Basketball An area at each end of the court between the base line and the foul line and including the jump-ball circle at the foul line:【篮球】 罚球区:球场两边的一区,位于底线和罚球线之间,包括罚球线上的跑球圈:a jump shot from the top of the key.从罚球场边的跳投adj.(形容词)Of crucial importance; significant:关键的;意义重大的:key decisions; the key element of the thesis.意义重大的结论;论文的中心成分及物动词)  keyed,,keys 1. To lock with or as if with a key.用或好象用钥匙锁2. Architecture To furnish (an arch) with a keystone.【建筑学】 用拱顶石装饰(拱顶)3. Music To regulate the pitch of.【音乐】 为…调音4. To bring into harmony; adjust or adapt.使和谐;调节或使适应5. To supply an explanatory key for.为…提供解答6. To operate (a device), as for typesetting by means of a keyboard.用键盘操作:操作(一个装置),如用键盘排字时7. To enter (data) into a computer by means of a keyboard.键入:用键盘把(信息)输入计算机8. To identify (a biological specimen).鉴别(一个生物种类)常用词组:key up  To make intense, excited, or nervous.使…热切、兴奋或紧张习惯用语:in key  In consonance with other factors.与其他要素相协调out of key  Not in consonance with other factors.与其他要素不协调语源:1. Middle English kai, kei 中古英语 kai, kei 2. from Old English c&9{Æg} 源自 古英语 c&9{Æg}  key 2  key 2  AHD:  [k¶] D.J.  [ki8]K.K.  [ki]n.(名词)  【复数】 keys A low offshore island or reef, especially in the Gulf of Mexico; a cay.礁:(尤指墨西哥湾内)海岸以外的低岛或礁;珊瑚礁语源:1. Alteration  influenced by key  variant of quay  受 key的影响   quay的变体2. of Spanish cayo * see  cay 西班牙语 cayo的变化 *参见 cay key 3  key 3  AHD:  [k¶] D.J.  [ki8]K.K.  [ki]n.(名词)  【复数】 keys 【俚语】 A kilogram of marijuana, cocaine, or heroin.一公斤:一公斤大麻、可卡因或海洛因语源:Shortening and alteration of kilogram kilogram的简写和变化 Key  Key  AHD:  [k¶] Francis Scott (1779-1843) D.J.  [ki8]K.K.  [ki]NONE(无词性)American lawyer and poet who wrote “Defense of Fort M'Henry” after witnessing the British attack on Fort McHenry at Baltimore on September 13-14, 1814. The poem was set to the music of an 18th-century tune called “To Anacreon in Heaven,” renamed “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and in 1931 was adopted by Congress as the national anthem.凯,弗朗西斯·斯科特:(1779-1843) 美国律师、诗人,目睹英国1814年9月13日至14日攻击巴尔的摩的麦克亨利堡之后写了“麦克亨利堡之辩”。这首诗被配上18世纪的一个曲子“致天堂里的亚奈科里翁”,重新命名为“星条旗”,1931年被美国国会定为国歌




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