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单词 kingdom
释义 kingdom['kiŋdəm]n. 王国, 领域【医】 界(动物,植物,矿物)相关词组:go to kingdom comecome into one's kingdom kingdom  king.dom  AHD:  [k¹ng“d…m] D.J.  [6k!0d*m]K.K.  [6k!0d*m]n.(名词)1. A political or territorial unit ruled by a sovereign.王国:由一名元首统治的政治或领土单位2. The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ.天国:上帝或基督的永恒的精神统治3. The realm of this sovereignty.天国:这种统治的王国4. A realm or sphere in which one thing is dominant:领域:某物占优势的领域或范围:the kingdom of the imagination.想象的领域5. One of the three main divisions (animal, vegetable, and mineral) into which natural organisms and objects are classified.界:自然的生物体和物体被分类的三大主要分界(动物、植物和矿物)之一6. The highest taxonomic classification into which organisms are grouped, based on fundamental similarities and common ancestry. One widely accepted taxonomic system designates five such classifications: animals, plants, fungi, prokaryotes, and protoctists.See table at taxonomy 界:以基本特征相似和共同祖先为基础将生物体归类的最高级别分类的分类方法。一种被广泛采用的分类学系统表示为五大类别,动物、植物、真菌、原生物核和原生物参见 taxonomy语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English cyningd½m 源自 古英语 cyningd½m 3. cyning [king] * see  king cyning [国王] *参见 king4. -d½m [-dom] -d½m [后缀,表“管辖范围”]




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