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单词 knee
释义 knee[ni:]n. 膝, 膝盖vt. 膝行, 用膝盖碰【医】 膝相关词组:bow the knee beforeknee-high to a mosquitoknee-high to a duckbend one's knee to knee  knee  AHD:  [n¶] D.J.  [ni8]K.K.  [ni]n.(名词)1. Anatomy The joint between the thigh and the lower leg, formed by the articulation of the femur and the tibia and covered anteriorly by the patella.【解剖学】 膝关节:大腿和小腿之间的关节,由股骨和胫骨的关节和在前面覆盖的膝盖骨构成2. The region of the leg that encloses and supports this joint.膝部:包围和支持膝关节的腿的部分3. An analogous joint or part of a leg of a quadruped vertebrate.膝:四足脊椎动物的类似的关节或腿的一部分4. Something resembling the human knee, such as a bent piece of pipe.膝状物:类似于人的膝关节的东西,例如管子的弯曲部分5. The part of a garment, as of trousers, that covers the knee.膝部:盖住膝关节的衣服(如裤子)的一部分6. An abrupt woody projection arising from the roots of some swamp-growing trees:根膝:从某些沼泽生树木的根部长出的突然的木质凸出物:cypress knees.池柏根膝及物动词)  kneed,,knees To strike with the knee.用膝撞击语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English cn¶o * see  genu- 1源自 古英语 cn¶o *参见 genu- 1




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