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单词 Ku Klux Klan
释义 Ku Klux Klan  Ku Klux Klan  AHD:  [k›” kl¾ks kl²n“, ky›”] D.J.  [7ku8 klJks 6kl#n, 7kju8]K.K.  [7ku klJks 6kl#n, 7kju]n.Abbr. KKK,K.K.K.(名词)缩写 KKK,K.K.K.1. A secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of terrorism.三K党:美国内战后在南部形成的秘密组织,采用恐怖手段重申白人的至高权力2. A secret fraternal organization of similar intent founded in Georgia in 1915.类似三K党的团体:1915年成立于美国乔治亚州一个秘密的兄弟会性质的组织,其活动意图与三K党相似语源:1. Perhaps alteration of Greek kuklos [circle] * see  cycle 可能为 希腊语 kuklos的变化 [圈子] *参见 cycle2. alteration of clan clan的变化 注释:The name of a group that has done so much to prevent the spread of openness in society should be suitably mysterious,and certainly the etymology ofKu Klux Klan  is not easily penetrated. The most widely accepted theory isthatKu Klux  is an illiterate misspelling of the Greek word kuklos,  meaning “ring, circle,”andKlan  is the word clan  spelled with a k.  Why this name, first recorded in 1867,was chosen is not exactly known.Certainly the name fits,because the groups or clans that have used the name have drawn a circle around those who can and cannot be considered as United States citizens with full rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Recalling the violent habits of the Klan, others have derived the word from the sounds made in the cocking of a gun,but it seems far more likely that the ignorance of those who espoused the principles of such a groupwas also responsible for the illiterate transcription of the Greek wordkuklos.  对这样一个竭力反对社会走向开放的组织来说,取这么一个神秘的名字是很正常的事情,Ku Klux Klan 的词源当然就很难查考了。 有一种理论最为人所接受,这种理论认为Ku Klux 是文化层次较低的人对希腊词 kuklos 的误拼, 这个希腊词的意思是“圆环,圈”,而Klan 是用 K 拼写的 clan 这个词。 这个名字最早有记载是在1867年,他们选择这个名字的确切原因我们不得而知。当然这个名字很适合这个组织,因为使用这个名字的团体或组织已经把那些他们认为是和不是享有生命、自由和追求幸福权利的美国公民划成了两个圈子。有些人,由三K党残暴的习性联想到这个词可能是从扳动枪的击铁发出的声音而来。但是拥护这样一个组织的思想原则的人的无知,可能是他们把希腊词kuklos 拼错的更主要的原因




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