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单词 Kulturkampf
释义 Kulturkampf  Kul.tur.kampf  AHD:  [k‹l-t‹r“kämpf”] D.J.  [k&l6t&*7k$8mpf]K.K.  [k&l6t&r7k$mpf]n.(名词)1. The struggle (1871-1883) between the Roman Catholic Church and the German government under Bismarck for control over school and ecclesiastical appointments and civil marriage.文化斗争:为了对学校、教会任命和公证结婚的控制,罗马天主教会和俾斯麦领导的德国政府之间所进行的斗争(1871-1883年)2. A conflict between secular and religious authorities:世俗政权和宗教势力之间的矛盾:“The 1920's proved to be the focal decade in the Kulturkampf of American Protestantism”(&b{Richard Hofstadter})“20世纪20年代是美国新教文化斗争最激烈的年代”(理查德·霍夫施塔特)语源:1. German 德语 2. Kultur [Kultur] * see  Kultur Kultur [文化] *参见 Kultur3. Kampf [struggle]  from Middle High German kampf  from Old High German kamph  probably ultimately from Latin campus [field] Kampf [斗争]  源自 中古高地德语 kampf  源自 古高地德语 kamph  可能最终源自 拉丁语 campus [场地,领域]




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