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单词 answer
释义 answer['ɑ:nsə]n. 答案, 回答, 回报, 答辩vt. 回答, 反驳, 适应, 响应, 符合vi. 回答, 答应, 负责, 符合, 成功【计】 用户问题及答案新闻组相关词组:to answer answer sb's hopesto answer for sb's purposeto answer to the name answer answer to... answer  an.swer  AHD:  [²n“s…r] D.J.  [6#ns*]K.K.  [6#ns+]n.Abbr. ans.,a.,A.(名词)缩写 ans.,a.,A.1. A spoken or written reply, as to a question.回答:对问题的口头或书面的回答2. A correct reply.正确的回答3. A solution, as to a problem.解答:对问题的解决方法4. A correct solution.解决:正确的解决方法5. An act in retaliation or response:反击,反驳:报复或回应的行为:Our only possible answer was to sue.我们唯一可能的反击就是上诉6. Something markedly similar to another of the same class:符合:与同一类别的另一个相似:cable TV's answer to the commercial networks' sportscasts.有线电视的节目同商业电视网的体育节目相符7. Law A defendant's defense against charges.【法律】 答辩:被告对指控的答辩v.(动词)  an.swered,,an.swers v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To speak, write, or act as a return, as to a question.回答,应答:对问题以说,写或做的形式回答2. To be liable or accountable:负责:负有责任,有所交待:You must answer for your actions.你必须对你的行为负责3. To serve the purpose; suffice:适合目的;满足:“Often I do use three words where one would answer”(&b{Mark Twain})“当一个词就够用的时候我经常用三个”(马克·吐温)4. To correspond; match:符合;与…相符:I found a dog answering to that description.我找到了一只与描述相符的狗及物动词)1. To speak, write, or act as a return to; respond to.答复:用口头,书面或行为来回答;答复2. To respond correctly to.正确地回答3. To fulfill the demands or needs of; serve:满足:满足需要或要求;适用:“My fortune has answered my desires”(&b{Isaak Walton})“我的财产已经满足了我的欲望”(伊萨克·沃尔顿)4. To conform or correspond to:符合,与…相符:The suspect answers the description given by the police.嫌疑犯与警察的描述相符语源:1. Middle English answere 中古英语 answere 2. from Old English andswaru * see  swer- 源自 古英语 andswaru *参见 swer- 参考词汇:1. answer,respond,reply,retort2. These verbs relate to action taken in return to a stimulus.这些动词指对刺激采取的反应行为。3. Answer, respond, and reply,  the most general, all mean to speak, write, or act in response: “  Answer, the attempt to answer questions, without first discovering preciselywhat &I{question it is which you desire to answer} ”  (G.E. Moore). respond   4. reply  这三个常用的词都指用口头,书面或行为方式回答:“ The opposing team scored three runs; the home team replied with two of their own.对方三次跑垒都得了分;主队以两次得分作为回应。5. Respond   also denotes a reaction to something that stimulates one to a course of action, often voluntary ( Respond  还指对刺激的反应,常是自发的( She responded in spite of herself to the antics of the puppy). To 她不由自主地注意起那些古代木偶)。词 6. retort   is to answer verbally in a quick, caustic, or witty manner: “ retort  指用迅速、辛辣或机智的口头方式回答:“ You don't need to worry about appearing too intelligent,” retorted his opponent. See also Synonyms at  &b{satisfy} 你不必担心表现的过分机智”他的对手反驳道 参见同义词 satisfy




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