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单词 lamp
释义 lamp[læmp]n. 灯vt. 照亮【计】 逻辑模拟分析系统【医】 灯 lamp  lamp  AHD:  [l²mp] D.J.  [l#mp]K.K.  [l#mp]n.(名词)1. A device that generates light, heat, or therapeutic radiation.灯:一种能产生光、热或者治疗射线的装置2. A vessel containing oil or alcohol burned through a wick for illumination.酒精灯:一种装有油或酒精并通过灯芯燃烧来照明的容器3. A celestial body that gives off or reflects light.自然光源:发光或反射光的天体4. Something that illumines the mind or soul.灵光:照亮心智或灵魂的东西语源:1. Middle English lampe 中古英语 lampe 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin lampas 源自 拉丁语 lampas 4. from Greek 源自 希腊语 5. from lampein [to shine] 源自 lampein [闪光]




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