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单词 Lancaster
释义 Lancaster 1  Lancaster 1  AHD:  [l²ng“k…-st…r, -l²n“-] D.J.  [6l#0k*st*, -6l#n-]K.K.  [6l#0k*st+, -6l#n-]NONE(无词性)English royal house that from 1399 to 1461 produced three kings of England—Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI. During the Wars of the Roses its symbol was a red rose.兰开斯特王朝:从1399年至1461年的英格兰王朝,产生过三位英格兰国王,亨利四世、亨利五世和亨利六世。在玫瑰战争期间它的标志是一朵红玫瑰继承用法:Lancas“trian  AHD:  [l²ng-k²s“tr¶-…n] (形容词)(名词) Lancaster 2  Lancaster 2  AHD:  [l²ng“k…-st…r, -k²s”t…r, l²n“-] D.J.  [6l#0k*st*, -7k#st*, 6l#n-]K.K.  [6l#0k*st+, -7k#st+, 6l#n-]NONE(无词性)1. A municipal borough of northwest England north of Liverpool. Chartered in 1193, it was built on the site of a Roman frontier station. Population, 47,900.兰开斯特:英格兰西北部的一个自治领城市,位于利物浦北部。1193年获得自治权,它建在罗马边境的要塞上。人口47,9002. An unincorporated community of southern California northeast of Los Angeles. It is a trade center for an irrigated farming area. Population, 97,291.兰开斯特:美国加利福尼亚州的南部一独立社区,位于洛杉矶市东北部。它是一个灌溉农场区的商贸中心。人口97,2913. A city of south-central Ohio southeast of Columbus. The birthplace of William Tecumseh Sherman has been preserved. Population, 34,507.兰开斯特:美国俄亥俄州中南部的一座城市,位于哥伦布市的东南部。威廉·特库姆塞·谢尔曼的出生地就被保留在此地。人口34,5074. A city of southeast Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia. A trade center in a rich farming region, it was settled by German Mennonites c. 1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in 1777. Population, 55,551.兰开斯特:美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部一座城市,位于费城西部。作为一个富饶农业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺派教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。人口55,551




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