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单词 Laplace
释义 Laplace 1  Laplace 或 La Place  AHD:  [l…-pl³s“] D.J.  [l*6ple!s]K.K.  [l*6ples]NONE(无词性)A village of southeast Louisiana on the Mississippi River west-northwest of New Orleans. It is a trade center in a truck farm and sugar cane area. Population, 16,112.拉普拉斯:美国路易斯安那州东南部的一个城镇,位于密西西比河上新奥尔良西北部偏西。是蔬菜农场和甘蔗产区的贸易中心。人口16,112 Laplace 2  AHD:  [l…-pläs“, lä-] Marquis Pierre Simon de (1749-1827) D.J.  [l*6pl$8s, l$8-]K.K.  [l*6pl$s, l$-]NONE(无词性)French mathematician and astronomer noted for his theory of a nebular origin of the solar system and his investigations into gravity and the stability of planetary motion.拉普拉斯,皮尔·西蒙·德:(1749-1827) 法国数学家和天文学家,以其关于太阳系起源和星云假说的理论及对行星的引力和稳定性调查而著名




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