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单词 latter
释义 latter['lætə]a. 后者的, 较后的, 近来的相关词组:the latterin these latter days latter  lat.ter  AHD:  [l²t“…r] D.J.  [6l#t*]K.K.  [6l#t+]adj.(形容词)1. Being the second of two persons or things mentioned:后者的:所提到的两个人或两件事中的第二个:Between captain and major, the latter is the higher rank.See Usage Note at &b{former} &+{2}在上尉与少校之间,后者是军衔较高参见 former22. Near or nearer to the end:末了的:接近或更接近结局的:the latter part of the book.这部书的结尾部分3. Further advanced in time or sequence; later:较后的:在时间和序列上更前的;较晚的:a style that has been revived in latter times.近期复兴的风格语源:1. Middle English [later] 中古英语 [较晚的] 2. from Old English lætra * see  l¶- 源自 古英语 lætra *参见 l¶- 继承用法:lat“terly  adv.(副词)




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