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单词 lavish
释义 lavish['læviʃ]a. 大方的, 丰富的, 浪费的vt. 浪费, 滥用, 慷慨给予相关词组:lavish money on sthbe lavish of endearmentslavish on...lavish praises on sb lavish  lav.ish  AHD:  [l²v“¹sh] D.J.  [6l#v!.]K.K.  [6l#v!.]adj.(形容词)1. Characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion:奢侈的:以奢侈和大量丰富生产为特征的:a lavish buffet.See Synonyms at &b{profuse} 丰盛的自助餐参见 profuse2. Immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting:慷慨的:过多地给或赠予的;不吝啬的:The critics were lavish with their praise.评论家们大大地赞美及物动词)  lav.ished,, To give or bestow in abundance; shower:大量地给予或赠予;慷慨给予:lavished attention on his customers.对顾客非常周到语源:1. Middle English laves 中古英语 laves 2. probably from Old French lavasse [downpour] 可能源自 古法语 lavasse [倾盆大雨] 3. from laver [to wash] 源自 laver [洗] 4. from Latin lav³re * see  lave 源自 拉丁语 lav³re *参见 lave继承用法:lav“isher  n.(名词)lav“ishly  adv.(副词)lav“ishness  n.(名词)




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