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单词 lay
释义 lay[lei]vt. 放置, 产, 铺设, 布置, 提出, 平息vi. 下蛋, 打赌n. 位置, 层, 隐藏处a. 世俗的, 外行的lie的过去式【化】 铺设; 敷设相关词组:lay the blame on sblay a burden on sblay aboutlay asidelay atlay awaylay downlay forlay sth inlay into sblay it on thicklay it on with a trowellay sb offlay offlay onlay oneself open tolay oneself outlay overlay up trouble for oneselflay wait forto the lay mindlay sth wastelay sb lowlay claim to sthlay sb's doubts lay 1  lay 1  AHD:  [l³] D.J.  [le!]K.K.  [le]v.(动词)  laid[l³d],lays及物动词)1. To cause to lie down:放下:使躺下:lay a child in its crib.将孩子放入小童床2. To place in or bring to a particular state or position.使处于:放入或使达到一特定状态或位置3. To bury.埋葬4. To put or set down:铺设:安装或铺放:lay new railroad track.铺设新铁轨5. To produce and deposit:生产,贮存:lay eggs.产蛋6. To cause to subside; calm or allay:使静下来:使减退;使平静或减轻:“chas'd the clouds . . . and laid the winds”(&b{John Milton})“追逐云朵…平息风儿”(约翰·米尔顿)7. To put up to or against:靠着:贴在之上或紧挨着:lay an ear to the door.把耳朵贴在门上(偷听)8. To put forward as a reproach or an accusation:怪罪:提出谴责或控诉:They laid the blame on us.他们责怪我们9. To put or set in order or readiness for use:安排:安排就绪或准备妥当:lay the table for lunch.摆设餐具以备午餐10. To devise; contrive:拟定:设计;想方法:lay plans.制定计划11. To spread over a surface:涂覆:涂在表面:lay paint on a canvas.在画布上涂颜料12. To place or give (importance):注重:授予或给予(重要性):lay stress on clarity of expression.强调清晰表达的重要性13. To impose as a burden or punishment:使负担:施加负担或处罚:lay a penalty upon the offender.对犯规者进行惩罚14. To present for examination:提呈:呈交以受审查:lay a case before a committee.把案件提交委员会审理15. To put forward as a demand or an assertion:提出:提出要求或主张:laid claim to the estate.宣称对地产拥有所有权16. Games To place (a bet); wager.【游戏】 下注;打赌17. To aim (a gun or cannon).瞄准(枪或大炮)18. To place together (strands) to be twisted into rope.编,绞:把(绳子)放在一起以捻成一股绳索19. To make in this manner:搓:以这种方式制作:lay up cable.搓成缆绳20. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 交媾:和…发生性关系v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To produce and deposit eggs.产卵或下蛋2. To bet; wager.打赌;下注3. Non-Standard To lie.【非标准用语】 躺下4. To engage energetically in an action.全力以赴:精力充沛地投入某一行动5. Nautical To put oneself into the position indicated.【航海】 就位:把自己放入指定的位置n.(名词)1. The direction the strands of a rope or cable are twisted in:绳索绞向:绳子或缆绳的绳束捻合方向:a left lay.左搓法2. The amount of such twist.绳子搓编的数量3. The state of one that lays eggs:产(卵):下蛋之物的状态:a hen coming into lay.母鸡要下蛋了4. Vulgar Slang 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 5. Sexual intercourse.性交6. A partner in sexual intercourse.性交时的配偶常用词组:lay about  To strike blows on all sides.向四面八方打击lay aside  1. To give up; abandon:放弃;抛弃:lay aside all hope of rescue.放弃援救的希望2. To save for the future.储备:为将来贮存lay away  1. To reserve for the future; save.储蓄:为将来储备;贮存2. To put aside and hold for future delivery.收藏:搁置并保留至以后交付lay by  To save for future use.储备:储存供将来之用lay down  1. To give up and surrender:放弃并投降:laid down their arms.缴械投降2. To specify:规定:laid down the rules.制定法规3. To store for the future.储备:为将来储备4. Non-Standard To lie down.【非标准用语】 躺下lay for 【非正式用语】  To be waiting to attack:等待进行攻击:Muggers lay for the unsuspecting pedestrian in the dark alley.拦路抢劫者等候在黑暗的小巷中准备袭击那些毫无防范的行人lay in  To store for future use:储备:储存以备将来之用:lay in supplies for an Arctic winter.为北极的严冬储备给养lay into 【俚语】  1. To scold sharply.严厉批评2. To attack physically; beat up.肉体攻击;痛打lay off  1. To terminate the employment of (a worker), especially temporarily.暂时解雇员工:停止雇用(工人),尤指暂时性的2. To mark off:划界线:lay off an area for a garden.划出一块区域作为花园3. Slang To stop doing something; quit.【俚语】 停止做某事;放弃4. Games To place all or a part of an accepted bet with another bookie in order to reduce the risk.【游戏】 两面下注:把全部或一部分定好的赌注分担给另一赌马者以降低风险lay on  1. To apply (something) by or as if by spreading (it) onto a flat surface:带有:将某物抹在或好象涂在一平整表面上:laid on a thick Southern accent.带有很重的南方口音2. To prepare, usually in an elaborate fashion; arrange:精心准备:通常指以精心策划的方法准备;安排:laid on cocktails for 50 at the last minute.最后时刻才调制好50份鸡尾酒3. Slang To present or reveal to; confront with:【俚语】 提出或揭露;面临:“went around talking to people about anything until he could lay his standard question on them”(&b{John Vinocur})“他在人群中转来转去,谈天说地,直到他最后向他们提出他的权威性问题”(约翰·维诺克)lay out  1. To make a detailed plan for.设计:为…制定详细计划2. To clothe and prepare (a corpse) for burial.穿寿衣:为(尸体)穿衣做殡葬准备3. To rebuke harshly:严厉批评:She laid me out for breaking the vase.因为打碎了花瓶,她痛骂我一顿4. To knock to the ground or unconscious.击到在地,打昏:击倒在地或打得失去知觉5. To expend; spend:消费;花钱:lay out a fortune on jewelry.买珠宝花了一大笔钱6. To display:展览:lay out merchandise; lay the merchandise out.展出商品;展示商品lay over  To make a stopover in the course of a journey.落脚:在旅行过程中停留lay to 【航海】  1. To bring (a ship) to a stop in open water.使(船)在公海上停留2. To remain stationary and face into the wind.顶着风停止lay up  1. To stock for future use:储备:为将来之用而储存:lay up supplies for a long journey.为漫长的旅途储备给养2. Informal To confine with an illness or injury:【非正式用语】 在家修养:因病或伤而闭门不出:was laid up for a month.在家休养一个月3. Nautical To put (a ship) in dock, as for repairs.【航海】 使(船)进入船坞,如进行修理习惯用语:lay down the law  To assert positively and often arrogantly.发号施令:肯定且通常是傲慢地宣称lay it on thick【非正式用语】  1. To exaggerate; overstate.夸张;夸大的叙述2. To flatter effusively.溜须拍马:拼命地恭维拍马lay of the land  The nature, arrangement, or disposition of something.某物的性质、排列或布置lay rubber【俚语】  To accelerate suddenly a motor vehicle from a halt to a high speed, thereby spinning the wheels and depositing on the road a thin film of burned rubber from the rear tire or tires.留下橡胶:将机动车从静止状态猛然提升到很高的速度时,车轮旋转,后胎或轮胎便会在路上留下一薄层烧尽的橡胶lay waste  To ravage:劫掠:Rebel troops laid waste the town.叛军洗劫了这座城镇语源:1. Middle English leien 中古英语 leien 2. from Old English lecgan * see  legh- 源自 古英语 lecgan *参见 legh- 用法:1. Lay  (“to put, place, or prepare”) and lie  (“to recline or be situated”) are frequently confused. Lay is a transitive verb and takes an object. Lay and its principal parts ( laid, laying ) are correctly used in the following examples:  Lay (“放、安置或准备”)和 lie (“躺下或位于”)两词经常被混淆。 Lay 是一及物动词,能接宾语。 在以下的例子中,lay 及它的分词形式( laid,laying )在下列句子中的用法是正确的:  The table was laid for four.四个人的餐具已安排好了。2. Lieis an intransitive verb and does not take an object.Lie and its principal parts ( lay, lain, lying ) are correctly used in the following examples:  Lie是一不及物动词, 不接宾语。在以下的例句中,lie 和它的分词形式( lay,lain,lying )的用法是正确的:  I was lying (not &I{laying} ) &I{in bed when he called.}  他来访时我正躺在(而不是 laying ) 床上 。 3. There are a few exceptions to these rules.The phrasal verblay for  and the nautical use of lay,  as inlay at anchor,  though intransitive, are well established.对于这些规则也有一些例外。动词词组lay for 及航海用语 lay , 如在lay at anchor (抛锚)中, 虽然为不及物动词,但已被广泛接受了 lay 2  lay 2  AHD:  [l³] D.J.  [le!]K.K.  [le]adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or involving the laity:世俗的:世俗的、与世俗有关的或包含世俗的:a lay preacher.非神职布道者2. Not of or belonging to a particular profession; nonprofessional:外行的:不是或不属于某一特殊职业的;未经职业训练的:a lay opinion as to the seriousness of the disease.关于这种疾病的非专业的意见语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French lai 源自 古法语 lai 3. from Late Latin l³icus 源自 后期拉丁语 l³icus 4. from Greek laikos [of the people] 源自 希腊语 laikos [人民的] 5. from laos [the people] 源自 laos [人民]  lay 3  lay 3  AHD:  [l³] D.J.  [le!]K.K.  [le]n.(名词)1. A narrative poem, such as one sung by medieval minstrels; a ballad.叙事诗:一种叙事诗,如中世纪为吟游诗人所传唱的;民谣2. A song; a tune.歌曲;曲调语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French lai 源自 古法语 lai  lay 4  lay 4  AHD:  [l³] D.J.  [le!]K.K.  [le]v.(动词)Past tense of lie 1lie的过去式1




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