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单词 lead
释义 lead[li:d, led]n. 铅, 铅条, 领导, 超前量, 领引, 榜样, 主角, 导线vt. 引导, 带领, 领导, 指挥, 致使, 加铅于, 用铅包vi. 领导, 带头, 导致, 用测深锤测深, 被铅覆盖a. 带头的, 最重要的【化】 铅Pb相关词组:lead awaylead backlead offlead sb onlead sb on to do sthlead outlead to sthlead up to sthfollow the lead of sbreturn sb's leadtake the leadlead inlead sb astraylead the waygive sb a lead lead 1  lead 1  AHD:  [l¶d] D.J.  [li8d]K.K.  [lid]v.(动词)  led[lµd],leads及物动词)1. To show the way to by going in advance.带领:走在前面以指路2. To guide or direct in a course:导引:在一方向牵引或指导:lead a horse by the halter.See Synonyms at &b{guide} 用缰绳牵着马参见 guide3. To serve as a route for; take:引导:作为通向…的道路;带到:The path led them to a cemetery.这条小径把他们带向墓地4. To be a channel or conduit for (water or electricity, for example).引:作为(如水或电)的渠道或导管5. To guide the behavior or opinion of; induce:引导:引导的行为或意见;引诱:led us to believe otherwise.让我们不得不相信6. To direct the performance or activities of:指挥:指挥…的表演或行动:lead an orchestra.指挥交响乐团7. To inspire the conduct of:带领:led the nation in its crisis.危难时刻领导国家8. To play a principal or guiding role in:领导:在…中起主要的或带领的作用:lead a discussion; led the antiwar movement.主持讨论;领导反战运动9. To go or be at the head of:带领:走在或位于前列:The queen led the procession. My name led the list.女王走在游行队伍的前列。我的名字排在第一位10. To be ahead of:领先:在…的前面:led the runner-up by three strides.领先其他参赛者三大步11. To be foremost in or among:名列前茅:在…中处于最前面:led the field in nuclear research; led her teammates in free throws.在核研究领域首屈一指;罚球命中率在全队中最高12. To pass or go through; live:度过或经历;生活:lead an independent life.过着独立的生活13. To begin or open with, as in games:开始:开始或以开始,如在游戏中:led an ace.先打出一张A14. To guide (a partner) in dancing.带:在舞蹈中领(舞伴)15. To aim in front of (a moving target).超前瞄准:在(移动的目标)前瞄准v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To be first; be ahead.领先:第一;在前面2. To go first as a guide.引导:作为向导走在第一位3. To act as commander, director, or guide.指挥:如指挥官、指导者或向导的行动4. To afford a passage, course, or route:通往:作为通道、路径或线路:a road that leads over the mountains; a door leading to the pantry.越过山脉的公路;通向餐厅的门5. To tend toward a certain goal or result:导致:趋向某种目标或结果:a remark that led to further discussion; policies that led to disaster.导出进一步讨论的一句话;导致灾难的政策6. To make the initial play, as in a game or contest.开赛:首先开始,如在游戏或竞赛中7. To begin a presentation or an account in a given way:以…开始:以一定的方式开始展示或叙述:The announcer led with the day's top stories.播音员以一天中的头条事件为开始8. To guide a dance partner.带领舞伴9. To start a dance step on a specified foot.起舞:按照特定的节拍开始一舞步10. Baseball To advance a few paces away from one's base toward the next while the pitcher is in the delivery. Used of a base runner.【棒球】 离垒:投球手在掷球过程中,跑垒者从自己所处的垒向下一垒稍前进几步。用于指棒球跑垒者11. Sports To begin an attack in boxing with a specified hand or punch:【体育运动】 出第一拳:在拳击比赛中用特定的手或一击开始进攻:led with a right to the body.以右手出拳击身n.(名词)1. The first or foremost position.领头位置:第一或最前面的运置2. One occupying such a position; a leader.领导:占据这样一个位置的人;领导者3. The initiative:首先:took the lead in setting the pace of the project.开始安排这项计划4. The margin by which one holds a position of advantage or superiority:领先程度:占据有利或优先位置的差数:held a lead of nine points at the half.半场时领先九分5. Information pointing toward a possible solution; a clue:线索:提供一可能解决方法的信息;线索:followed a promising lead in the murder case.在这桩谋杀案中根据一项可靠的线索6. An indication of potential opportunity; a tip:预兆,暗号:潜在机遇的指示;消息:a good lead for a job.工作的好兆头7. Command; leadership:命令;领导:took over the lead of the company.取得公司的领导权8. An example; a precedent:榜样:例子;前例:followed his sister's lead in running for office.步他姐姐的后尘竞选这一公职9. The principal role in a dramatic production.主角:戏剧作品中的主要角色10. The person playing such a role.扮演主角的人:扮演这样角色的人11. The introductory portion of a news story.导语:新闻报道中的引言部分12. An important, usually prominently displayed news story.头版新闻:重要的通常排在显著位置上的新闻报道13. Games 【游戏】 14. The first play.第一局15. The prerogative or turn to make the first play:先发权:优先或轮到先出牌:The lead passes to the player on the left.出牌权转到左手的牌手中16. A card played first in a round.一轮中先出的一张牌17. Baseball A position taken by a base runner away from one base in the direction of the next.【棒球】 先行离垒:跑垒者从所在垒向下一垒方向跑动所达到的位置18. A leash.皮带19. Geology 【地质学】 20. A deposit of gold ore in an old riverbed.富金砂矿:古河床里的金砂矿床21. See  lode 参见  lode 22. Electronics A conductor by which one circuit element is electrically connected to another.【电子学】 导线:将一电路元件与另一个连接通电的导线23. Nautical The direction in which a rope runs.【航海】 绳索运动的方向24. The distance aimed in front of a moving target.瞄准的距离:与被瞄准的移动目标之间的距离常用词组:lead off  1. To begin; start.开始;开端2. Baseball To be the first batter in an inning.【棒球】 一局中的第一位击球手lead on  1. To keep in a state of expectation or hope; entice.诱惑,引诱:使处于一种期盼或希望的状态;诱惑2. To mislead; deceive.误导;欺骗习惯用语:lead up to  1. To result in by a series of steps:由一系列步骤导致:events leading up to the coup.导致政变的事件2. To proceed toward (a main topic) with preliminary remarks.用前言引入(一主要话题)语源:1. Middle English leden 中古英语 leden 2. from Old English l&9{Ædan} * see  leit- 源自 古英语 l&9{Ædan} *参见 leit-  lead 2  lead 2  AHD:  [lµd] D.J.  [led]K.K.  [lWd]n.(名词)1. Symbol Pb A soft, malleable, ductile, bluish-white, dense metallic element, extracted chiefly from galena and used in containers and pipes for corrosives, solder and type metal, bullets, radiation shielding, paints, and antiknock compounds. Atomic number 82; atomic weight 207.19; melting point 327.5&9{=}C; boiling point 1,744&9{=}C; specific gravity 11.35; valence 2, 4.See table at element 符号 Pb 铅:一种柔软、有延展性和可锻性的,蓝白色高密度金属元素,主要从方铅矿中提取,用于集装箱、耐腐蚀管道、焊料和字铅、子弹、放射性防护屏、涂料及抗爆化合物。原子序数82;原子量207.19;熔点327.5&9{=}C;沸点1,744&9{=}C;比重11.35;化合价2或4参见 element2. A lead weight suspended by a line, used to make soundings.铅锤:用绳子悬挂一块铅制的重物,用来测量水深3. Bullets from or for firearms; shot:弹丸:火器或从火器中射出的弹头;子弹:pumped the target full of lead.弹雨射向目标4. leads Strips of lead used to hold the panes of a window.leads 铅框:用于支撑窗玻璃格的铅条5. Abbr. ld.Printing A thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type.缩写 ld.【印刷术】 铅条:一条使铅字的行隔开的细金属条6. leads Chiefly British A flat roof covered with sheets of lead.leads 【多用于英国】 覆以铅板的平屋顶7. Any of various, often graphitic compositions used as the writing substance in pencils.铅芯:通常指含有石墨成分的铅笔用的书写物质8. A thin stick of such material.黑铅条:这样的一细条物质及物动词)  lead.ed,,leads 1. To cover, line, weight, or fill with lead.以铅覆盖:用铅覆盖、划线、加重或装满2. Printing To provide space between (lines of type) with leads.【印刷术】 塞铅条:在铅字行的空隙间隔以铅条3. To secure (window glass) with leads.用铅加固(窗玻璃)4. To treat with lead or a lead compound:以铅处理:用铅或铅化合物处理:leaded gasoline; leaded paint.含铅汽油;含铅涂料习惯用语:get the lead out【非正式用语】  To start moving or move more rapidly.开始运动或加快运动语源:1. Middle English led 中古英语 led 2. from Old English l¶ad 源自 古英语 l¶ad 3. [probably of Celtic origin] [可能源于凯尔特语] 继承用法:adj.(形容词)




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