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单词 leak
释义 leak[li:k]n. 漏洞, 漏处, 漏出, 泄漏vi. 漏, 泄漏vt. 使渗漏【化】 漏电; 漏水; 漏气; 漏失相关词组:leak out leak  leak  AHD:  [l¶k] D.J.  [li8k]K.K.  [lik]v.(动词)  leaked,,leaks v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To permit the escape, entry, or passage of something through a breach or flaw:泄漏:通过缺口或裂缝使某物逃逸、进入或通过:rusted pipes that were beginning to leak; a boat leaking at the seams.开始漏水的锈水管;船的接缝处漏水2. To escape or pass through a breach or flaw:漏出:通过缺口或裂缝逃逸或通过:helium leaking slowly from the balloon.氦气慢慢地从气球中漏走3. Informal To become publicly known through a breach of secrecy:【非正式用语】 泄密:由于保密措施的漏洞而变得公开:The news has leaked.消息已泄漏了及物动词)1. To permit (a substance) to escape or pass through a breach or flaw:使漏出:允许(一种物质)通过缺口或裂缝逃逸或通过:a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere.一座损坏的反应堆向大气中泄露出发射性物质2. Informal To disclose without authorization or official sanction:【非正式用语】 擅自公开:未经授权或官方许可而揭露:leaked classified information to a reporter.将机密情报透露给记者n.(名词)1. A crack or flaw that permits something to escape from or enter a container or conduit:裂缝:使某物逸出或进入一容器或管道的裂口或裂缝:fixed the leak in the roof.修理屋顶上的漏缝2. The act or instance of leaking.泄露:泄漏的行为或例子3. An amount leaked:漏出量:equipment used in cleaning up oil leaks.用来清除漏油的设备4. Informal An unauthorized or a deliberate disclosure of confidential information:【非正式用语】 擅自公开:未经允许或故意透露机密情报:“Sometimes we can't respond to stories based on leaks”(&b{Ronald Reagan})“有时候我们不能对泄露出去的消息做出反应”(罗纳德·里根)5. Loss of electric current as a result of faulty insulation.漏电:由于绝缘不好而导致的电流流失6. The path or place at which this loss takes place.漏电之处:这种损失发生的路径或地方习惯用语:take a leak【粗俗用语】 【俚语】  To urinate.小便语源:1. Middle English leken 中古英语 leken 2. probably from Middle Dutch 可能源自 中古荷兰语 继承用法:leak“er  n.(名词)




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