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单词 Lebanon
释义 Lebanon['lebənən]n. 黎巴嫩 Lebanon  Leb.a.non  AHD:  [lµb“…-n…n, -n¼n”] D.J.  [6leb*n*n, -7nKn]K.K.  [6lWb*n*n, -7n$n]NONE(无词性)1. Abbr. Leb.A country of southwest Asia on the Mediterranean Sea. Occupied by Canaanites in ancient times, Lebanon has long been torn by civil and religious strife. It proclaimed its independence in 1941, but full self-government was not achieved until 1945. Beirut is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,637,000.缩写 Leb.黎巴嫩:亚洲西南部一国家,位于地中海沿岸。古代的黎巴嫩被迦南人占据,长期以来由于国内和宗教纠纷而四分五裂。1941年宣布独立,但直到1945年才获得完全自治。贝鲁特是其首都和最大城市。人口2,637,0002. A city of southeast Pennsylvania east-northeast of Harrisburg. It is an industrial center in the Pennsylvania Dutch farm country. Population, 24,800.黎巴嫩:美国宾夕法尼亚州东南一城市,位于哈里斯堡东北偏东。它是荷裔宾州人农区内的一个工业中心。人口24,800




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