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单词 Leicester
释义 Leicester 1  Leicester 1  AHD:  [lµs“t…r] D.J.  [6lest*]K.K.  [6lWst+]NONE(无词性)A borough of central England east-northeast of Birmingham. Built on the site of a Roman settlement, it is an important industrial center in a mining and sheep-raising district. Population, 283,000.莱斯特:英国英格兰中部一城市,位于伯明翰东北偏东。该城建立在罗马人居住地的遗址之上,它是矿区和牧羊区的一个重要的工业中心。人口283,000 Leicester 2  Leicester 2  AHD:  [lµs“t…r] D.J.  [6lest*]K.K.  [6lWst+]n.(名词)1. Any of a breed of large, white-faced sheep having long coarse wool, developed in Leicestershire, a county of central England.莱斯特羊:一种体型较大的白脸羊,长有粗糙的长毛,是在英格兰中部莱斯特郡培育出来的2. A hard cheese similar to Cheddar and usually orange.莱斯特干酪:类似于切达干酪的一种干奶酪,通常为黄色 Leicester 3  Leicester一等伯爵   &b{罗伯特·达德利的称号}(&b{1532?-1588})  NONE(无词性)English courtier who was privy councilor to Elizabeth I and the captain general of her armies from 1587.莱斯特:英国侍臣,曾是英格兰女王伊丽莎白一世的宠臣,而且从1587年起一直担任女王军队的总司令




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