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单词 lever
释义 lever['levə]n. 杠杆, 似杠杆之工具vt. 撬开vi. 使用杠杆【医】 杠杆, 杆, 梃 lever  AHD:  [lµv“…r, l¶“v…r] D.J.  [6lev*, 6li8v*]K.K.  [6lWv+, 6liv+]n.(名词)1. A simple machine consisting of a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other.杠杆:固定于某一枢轴,用来传递力的一种简单的装置,带有一个金属杆,如通过压低一端而举起或移动另一端的重物2. A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism.操作杆:用来调节或操作某一机械装置的突出把手3. A means of accomplishing; a tool:工具;手段:用来达到目的的手段;工具:used friendship as a lever to obtain advancement.把友谊当作取得晋升的工具及物动词)  lev.ered,,lev.ers To move or lift with or as if with a lever.以杠杆移动:用或好象用杠杆移动或举起语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French levier 源自 古法语 levier 3. from lever [to raise] 源自 lever [举起] 4. from Latin lev³re 源自 拉丁语 lev³re 5. from levis [light] * see  leg wh- 源自 levis [轻的] *参见 leg wh-




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