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单词 liaison
释义 liaison[li:'eizɒn]n. 联络 liaison  AHD:  [l¶“³-z¼n”, l¶-³“-] D.J.  [6li8e!7zKn, li86e!-]K.K.  [6lie7z$n, li6e-]n.(名词)1. An instance or a means of communication between different groups or units of an organization, especially in the armed forces.联络:一个组织中的不同小组或单位之间相互联系的手段或方法,尤指在武装部队中2. One that maintains communication:联络员:一个维持通讯联络的人:served as the President's liaison with Congress.作总统与议会的联系员3. A close relationship, connection, or link.密切的联系、关系或关联4. An adulterous relationship; an affair.暧昧的关系;私通5. Linguistics Pronunciation of the usually silent final consonant of a word when followed by a word beginning with a vowel, especially in French.【语言学】 连音:当一个单词后面紧跟一个以元音开头的单词时,则该单词最后的原本不发音的辅音就发音,与元音连读,尤其在法语中语源:1. French 法语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin lig³ti½  lig³ti½n- 源自 拉丁语 lig³ti½  lig³ti½n- 4. from lig³tus [past participle of] lig³re [to bind] * see  ligate 源自 lig³tus  [] lig³re的过去分词 [结合] *参见 ligate




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