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单词 liberalism
释义 liberalism['libərəlizm]n. 自由主义 liberalism  AHD:  [l¹b“…r-…-l¹z”…m, l¹b“r…-] D.J.  [6l!b*r*7l!z*m, 6l!br*-]K.K.  [6l!b*r*7l!z*m, 6l!br*-]n.Abbr. lib.(名词)缩写 lib.1. The state or quality of being liberal.自由,开明:自由的、开明的状态或性质2. A political theory founded on the natural goodness of human beings and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.自由主义:一种政治理论,它以人性本善为基础,提倡个人自治,强调公民和政治的自由,主张用被统治者所同意的方法进行统治,提倡保护个人使其免受专断权威的迫害3. Often Liberalism Abbr. Lib.The tenets or policies of a Liberal party.常作 Liberalism 缩写 Lib.自由党的主张或政策4. An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.经济自由主义:一种经济理论,主张放任个人自由经营、建立自由市场体系和金本位制5. A 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.自由主义神学:19世纪一场新教活动,其主张自由的理性研究,强调基督教徒间伦理和人道的一致,而不强调教条的神学理论6. A 19th-century Roman Catholic movement that favored political democracy and ecclesiastical reform but was theologically orthodox.自由主义神学:19世纪一场罗马天主教的运动,其主张政治民主和教会改革,但坚持正统的神学理论继承用法:lib“eralist  n.(名词)lib”eralis“tic  AHD:  [-l¹s“t¹k] (形容词)




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