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单词 licorice
释义 licorice['likəris]n. 甘草【医】 甘草 licorice  lic.o.rice  AHD:  [l¹k“…r-¹s, -¹sh] D.J.  [6l!k*r!s, -!.]K.K.  [6l!k*r!s, -!.]n.(名词)1. A Mediterranean perennial plant(Glycyrrhiza glabra)  having blue flowers, pinnately compound leaves, and a sweet, distinctively flavored root. 洋甘草:一种地中海地区的多年生植物(洋甘草 甘草属) ,开蓝色花,羽状复叶,根甜并味道独特 2. The root of this plant, used as a flavoring in candy, liqueurs, tobacco, and medicines.甘草根:这种植物的根,在糖果、烈性酒、烟草或药品中用作芳香剂3. A confection made from or flavored with the licorice root.甘草糖:一种用甘草根制成或加入甘草根的糖果4. Any of various similar plants.一种类似的植物语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Late Latin liquir&9{ºtia} 源自 后期拉丁语 liquir&9{ºtia} 4. alteration  influenced by Latin liqu¶re [to flow]  受 拉丁语 liqu¶re的影响 [流动] 5. of Latin glycyrrh&9{ºza} [root of licorice] 拉丁语 glycyrrh&9{ºza的变化} [甘草的根] 6. from Greek glukurrhiza 源自 希腊语 glukurrhiza 7. glukus [sweet] glukus [甜的] 8. rhiza [root] * see  wr³d- rhiza [根] *参见 wr³d-




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