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单词 lieutenant
释义 lieutenant[lef'tenənt]n. 中尉, 助理人员, 副官 lieutenant  lieu.ten.ant  AHD:  [l›-tµn“…nt] D.J.  [lu86ten*nt]K.K.  [lu6tWn*nt]n.(名词)1. Abbr. Lt.A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant junior grade and below lieutenant commander.缩写 Lt.海军上尉:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军中尉,低于海军少校2. A first lieutenant.中尉3. A second lieutenant.少尉4. One who holds the rank of lieutenant, first lieutenant, or second lieutenant.尉级军官:有上尉,中尉或少尉军衔的人5. [lµf-tµn“…nt] A commissioned officer in the British and Canadian navies ranking just below a lieutenant commander.[lµf-tµn“…nt] 海军上尉:英国和加拿大海军中的军官,军衔仅次于海军少校6. An officer in a police or fire department ranking below a captain.副队长:警察和消防队中的军官,军衔低于上尉7. One who acts in place of or represents a superior; an assistant or a deputy:代理官员,副职官员:代理或代表上级行动的人;助理或代理:the organized crime figure and his lieutenants.See Synonyms at &b{assistant} 团伙犯罪人物和他的副手们参见 assistant语源:1. Middle English [deputy] 中古英语 [代理] 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. lieu [lieu] * see  lieu lieu [代替] *参见 lieu4. tenant [present participle of] tenir [to hold]  from Latin ten¶re * see  ten- tenant  [] tenir的现在分词 [持有]  源自 拉丁语 ten¶re *参见 ten- 继承用法:lieuten“ancy  n.(名词)注释:What is the connection between a lieutenant governor and a lieutenant in the army?In the etymology of the wordlieutenant,  at least, the connection lies in their holding a place;that is, the wordlieutenant  is from an Old French compound made up of lieu,  “place,” and tenant,  “holding,” the present participle of the verb tenir,  “to hold.” The word in Old French and the borrowed Middle English wordlieutenant,  first recorded near the end of the 14th century, referred to a person who acted for another as a deputy.This usage has survived,for example, in our termlieutenant governor,  the deputy of the governor and the one who replaces the governor if need be. In military parlancelieutenant  appears by itself as well as in compounds such asfirst lieutenant  and second lieutenant,  which muddy the water a bit,but the original notion of the word in military usage was that the officer it referred to ranked below the next one upand could replace him if need be.A lieutenant in the U.S. Army could thus step into the shoes of a captain.副州长和陆军中尉之间有什么联系?就lieutenant 这个单词的词源来说, 至少,联系在于他们都拥有一个位置;也就是说,lieutenant 这个词源于一个古法语复合词,这个词由 lieu (“场所”)和 tenant (“拥有”)及动词 tenir (“持有,拥有”)的现在分词组成。 古法语的这个词和借用的中古英语词lieutenant 的最早记录出现在14世纪末, 该词指的是代理别人做某事的人。这种用法至今仍使用,例如,我们的短语lieutenant governor(副州长) 州长的副职和必要时代替州长的人。 在军事用语中,lieutenant 单独出现, 也在复合词如first lieutenant 及 second lieutenants 中出现, 这把情况搞复杂了一些,但这个词在军事用语中的原始意义是它所指的军官低于上一级军官,在必要时可以取代他。因此,美国陆军中的一名中尉可以取代上尉




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