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单词 lifeline
释义 lifeline['laiflain]n. 救生索, 生命线 lifeline  life.line  AHD:  [lºf“lºn”] D.J.  [6la!f7la!n]K.K.  [6la!f7la!n]n.(名词)1. An anchored line thrown as a support to someone falling or drowning.救生索:一条一端固定的绳索,扔给坠落或溺水的人作为支撑物2. Nautical A line shot to a ship in distress.【航海】 救生索:抛向遇难船只的绳索3. A line used to raise and lower deep-sea divers.升降索:用来提升或放低深海潜水员的绳索4. A means or route by which necessary supplies are transported.重要的交通线:必需物资运输的方法或路线5. One that is or is regarded as a source of salvation in a crisis.救星:是或被认为是在危机中拯救别人的人6. A diagonal line crossing the palm of the hand and believed to indicate the length and major events of one's life.生命线:穿过手掌的一条斜纹,被认为能指示某人的寿命和生活中的主要事件




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