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单词 lignum vitae
释义 lignum vitae【医】 愈创木 lignum vitae  lig.num vi.tae  AHD:  [l¹g”n…m vº“t¶] D.J.  [7l!gn*m 6va!ti8]K.K.  [7l!gn*m 6va!ti]n.(名词)  【复数】 lignum vitaes 1. Either of two tropical American trees(Guaiacum officinale  or G. sanctum)  having evergreen leaves and very heavy, durable, resinous wood. 愈疮木属:两种美洲热带常绿植物(愈疮木 或 神圣愈疮木) ,并有重而耐久的树脂木材 2. The wood of either of these trees, the hardest of commercial woods.愈疮林材:这种树的木材,是商品木中质地最坚硬的语源:1. New Latin lignum v&9{ºtae} 现代拉丁语 lignum v&9{ºtae} 2. Latin lignum [wood] 拉丁语 lignum [树木] 3. Latin v&9{ºtae} [genitive of] v&9{º}ta [life] 拉丁语 v&9{ºtae}  [] v&9{º}ta的所有格 [生命]




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