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单词 like
释义 like[laik]a. 相似的, 同样的vt. 喜欢, 愿意, 想vi. 喜欢, 希望n. 爱好, 同样的人(或物)prep. 象, 如同ad. 可能相关词组:like thatsomething likeif you likelike it or notand the likeas like as two peasquick like lightninghad like to have donelike anythinglike for like like 1  like 1  AHD:  [lºk] D.J.  [la!k]K.K.  [la!k]v.(动词)  liked,,likes及物动词)1. To find pleasant or attractive; enjoy.喜欢:认为愉快或有吸引力;欣赏2. To want to have:想要:would like some coffee.想要一点儿咖啡3. To feel about; regard:感到;认为:How do you like her nerve!你对她的勇气怎么个看法4. Archaic To be pleasing to.【古语】 使快乐v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To have an inclination or a preference:偏好,愿意:If you like, we can meet you there.如果你愿意的话,我们在那儿接你2. Scots To be pleased.【苏格兰】 高兴n.(名词)Something that is liked; a preference:喜爱的东西;爱好:made a list of his likes and dislikes.把他喜好和讨厌的东西列了一张表语源:1. Middle English liken 中古英语 liken 2. from Old English l&9{ºcian} [to please] * see  l&9{º}k- 源自 古英语 l&9{ºcian} [使高兴] *参见 l&9{º}k- 参考词汇:1. like,love,enjoy,relish,fancy,dote2. These verbs mean to be attracted to or to find agreeable.这些动词都指被吸引或觉得愉悦。3. Like,  the least forceful, suggests mere interest, approval, or favor: Like  是强度最弱的一个,表示单纯的兴趣、满意或好感: “I may like &I{him well enough; but you don't}  love &I{your servants”}  (Harriet Beecher Stowe).“我可能喜欢 他到了一定程度;但你不可能 爱 上你的仆人”  (哈丽特·比彻·斯托)。4. Love  implies a strong attachment or intense affection and deep involvement on an emotional level: Love  暗示了强烈的依恋或感情和深深的不可自拔: “All his faults are such that one loves him still the better for them” (Oliver Goldsmith).“爱他的人反而因他的错误更爱” (奥利弗·戈德史密斯)。5. Enjoy  is applied to what gives personal satisfaction or pleasure: Enjoy  用来指可给予人们满足或愉悦感的东西: “There are two things to aim at in life:first, to get what you want;and after that, to enjoy it” (Logan Pearsall Smith).“人的一生必须以这两件事为目标:第一,要得到你想要的;然后享用它” (洛根·皮尔萨尔·史密斯)。6. Relish  applies to what moves one to keen or zestful appreciation: Relish  用于那些使人激烈或狂热欣赏的: Caviar is a delicacy, but few children fancy it.鱼子酱是一种精美的食品,但只有很少孩子喜欢它。7. Dote  implies foolish, extravagant attachment: Dote  指愚蠢的、过份的依恋: He dotes on his grandchildren and indulges their every whim. 他溺爱自己的孙辈,并且满足他们的任何想法”  like 2  like 2  AHD:  [lºk] D.J.  [la!k]K.K.  [la!k]prep.(介词)1. Possessing the characteristics of; resembling closely; similar to.相似,类似:具有…的特点;相象;相似2. In the typical manner of:象:以…的典型方式:It's not like you to take offense.你不象会发脾气的人3. In the same way as:以与…同样的方式:lived like royalty.过着帝王般的生活4. Inclined or disposed to:想要:倾向,有意于:felt like running away.想要逃跑5. As if the probability exists for:象要:似有…的可能性:looks like a bad year for farmers.看起来象农民的欠收年6. Such as; for example:例如;象一样:saved things like old newspapers and pieces of string.收集起来的如旧报纸和绳子之类的东西adj.(形容词)1. Possessing the same or almost the same characteristics; similar:想似的:具有相同或几乎相同的特点;相近的:on this and like occasions.这种和类似情况下2. Alike:相象的:They are as like as two siblings.他们象是亲兄弟3. Having equivalent value or quality. Usually used in negative sentences:相等(价值,质量):有相同价值或质量的。通常用于否定句中:There's nothing like a good night's sleep.没什么比睡一夜好觉更舒服adv.(副词)1. In the manner of being; as if. Used as an intensifier of action:像…似的,如同:以某种方式;好象。用于激励行动:worked like hell; ran like crazy.拼命工作;发疯似的跑2. Informal Probably; likely:【非正式用语】 可能;也许:Like as not she'll change her mind.很可能她会改主意3. Non-Standard Used to provide emphasis or a pause:【非标准用语】 用于加强或停顿:Like let's get going.任我们放纵n.(名词)1. One similar to or like another. Used withthe : 相似物。和the 连用: was subject to coughs, asthma, and the like.易得咳嗽、气喘等类似的病2. Often likes Informal An equivalent or similar person or thing; an equal or match:常作 likes 【非正式用语】 相似之人,相似之物:相同或类似的人或物;相同之物,对等物:I've never seen the likes of this before. We'll never see his like again.我从没见过这样的事。我们将不会再见到他这类人物conj.Usage Problem (连接词)【用法疑难】 1. In the same way that; as:以同样方式;象:To dance like she does requires great discipline.要跳得象她那样好得大量的训练2. As if:似乎:It looks like we'll finish on time.看起来我们似乎能够按时完成语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from like [similar]  from Old English gel&9{ºc}  Old Norse l&9{ºkr} 源自 like [相似的]  源自 古英语 gel&9{ºc}  古斯堪的纳维亚语 l&9{ºkr} 3. and from like [similarly]  from Old English gel&9{ºce}  from gel&9{ºc} [similar] * see  l&9{º}k- 并源自 like [相似地]  源自 古英语 gel&9{ºce}  源自 gel&9{ºc} [相似的] *参见 l&9{º}k- 用法:Writers since Chaucer's time have usedlike  as a conjunction, but 19th-century and 20th-century critics have been so vehement in their condemnations of this usage that a writer who uses the construction in formal style risks being accused of illiteracy or worse.Prudence requiresThe dogs howled as  (not like ) we expected them to. Likeis more acceptably used as a conjunction in informal style with verbs such as feel, look, seem, sound,  and taste,  as inIt looks like we are in for a rough winter.  But here tooas if  is to be preferred in formal writing. There can be no objection to the use oflike  as a conjunction when the following verb is not expressed, as inHe took to politics like a duck to water.  See Usage Note at as 1together 自乔叟年代起,作家就把like 当作连接词用, 但19世纪和20世纪的批评家强烈谴责这种用法,在正式文体中使用这种结构的作家就有可能被指责为文盲或者更糟。为谨慎起见,就写狗不象 (而不是 like ) 我们想的那样叫。 Like在非正式文体中可作为连词和动词如 feel, look, seem, sound 及 taste 连用, 如在看起来我们将有一个难熬的冬天 中。 但这句如果出现于正式文体中人们更倾向于用as if 。 如果其后的动词无明确含义时,将like 作为连接词是不会有任何异议的, 如他对政治简直是如鱼得水  参见 as1together like 3  like 3  AHD:  [lºk]  也作 liked [lºkt] D.J.  [la!k] 也作 liked [la!kt]K.K.  [la!k] 也作 liked [la!kt]v.aux.Chiefly Southern U.S. (助动词)【多用于美国南部】 To be just on the point of; be or come near to:几乎:处于临界点;在或靠近:I like to have killed him when he said that.当他说那事时我几乎要杀了他语源:1. Middle English liken [to compare] 中古英语 liken [比较] 2. from like [similar] * see  like 2源自 like [相似的,类似的] *参见 like2 -like  -like  suff.(后缀)Resembling or characteristic of:象…的(或地):类似或有同样的特征:ladylike.象贵妇人似的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from like [similar] * see  like 2源自 like [相似的] *参见 like2




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