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单词 list
释义 list[list]n. 目录, 名单, 明细表, 布条, 条纹, 列表, 序列, 数据清单vt. 列出, 列于表上, 记入名单内, 装布条vi. 列于表上【计】 列表, 序列, 数据清单【经】 目录表, 一览表, 价目表; 列出相关词组:stand first on the list list 1  list 1  AHD:  [l¹st] D.J.  [l!st]K.K.  [l!st]n.(名词)1. A series of names, words, or other items written, printed, or imagined one after the other:目录,单:按先后顺序写下、印出或设想的一系列名字、词或其它条目:a shopping list; a guest list; a list of things to do.一张购物单;客人名单;事项表2. A considerable number; a long series:很多:很多;一长串:recited a list of dates memorized.背出所记下的一长串日期v.(动词)  list.ed,,lists及物动词)1. To make a list of; itemize:列表;造册:listed his previous jobs.列出他先前的工作2. To enter in a list; register:列入;登记:listed each item received.列入所收到的每一项3. To put (oneself) in a specific category:列为:把(自己)归入某一类别:lists herself as an artist.把自己列为艺术家4. Archaic To recruit.【古语】 招募v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To have a stated list price:标价:建立一个已列出的价格:a radio that lists for ten dollars over the sale price.一台标价比销售价高出10美元的收音机2. Archaic To enlist in the armed forces.【古语】 应征:征募入军队语源:1. French liste 法语 liste 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Old Italian lista 源自 古意大利语 lista 4. [of Germanic origin] [源于日耳曼语] 继承用法:list“er  n.(名词) list 2  list 2  AHD:  [l¹st] D.J.  [l!st]K.K.  [l!st]n.(名词)1. A narrow strip, especially of wood.窄木条:窄条,尤指木头的2. Architecture See  listel 【建筑学】 参见  listel3. A border or selvage of cloth.布边4. A stripe or band of color.色条,色带5. Often lists 常作 lists 6. An arena for jousting tournaments or other contests.竞技场:马上枪术比武或其它比赛的场地7. A place of combat.竞技场8. An area of controversy.争议领域9. A ridge thrown up between two furrows by a lister in plowing.田垅:耕作时起垅机在两条犁沟间隆起的脊10. Obsolete A boundary; a border.【废语】 边界;边缘及物动词)  list.ed,,lists 1. To cover, line, or edge with list.加边:用条覆盖、加线或加边2. To cut a thin strip from the edge of.剪边:从…的边上剪下一细条3. To furrow or plant (land) with a lister.耕地:耕地或用起垅机耕作(土地)语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English l&9{ºste} 源自 古英语 l&9{ºste}  list 3  list 3  AHD:  [l¹st] D.J.  [l!st]K.K.  [l!st]n.(名词)An inclination to one side, as of a ship; a tilt.倾侧:倾向一边,如船;倾侧不及物动词和及物动词)  list.ed,,lists To lean or cause to lean to the side:倾斜:倾斜或使向一边倾斜:The damaged ship listed badly to starboard. Erosion first listed, then toppled the spruce tree.被毁的船向右舷严重倾斜。先是泥流向一边冲蚀,然后针枞树向前倒下语源:[Origin unknown] [来源不明]  list 4  list 4  AHD:  [l¹st] D.J.  [l!st]K.K.  [l!st]不及物动词和及物动词)  list.ed,,lists 【古语】 To listen or listen to.听,倾听语源:1. Middle English listen 中古英语 listen 2. from Old English hlystan * see  kleu- 源自 古英语 hlystan *参见 kleu-  list 5  list 5  AHD:  [l¹st] 【古语】 D.J.  [l!st]K.K.  [l!st]v.(动词)  list.ed,,lists及物动词)To be pleasing to; suit.喜欢;适合v.intr.(不及物动词)To be disposed; choose.乐意;选择n.(名词)A desire or an inclination.欲望或倾向语源:1. Middle English listen [to desire, please] 中古英语 listen [渴望,高兴] 2. from Old English lystan * see  las- 源自 古英语 lystan *参见 las-




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