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单词 living
释义 living['liviŋ]n. 生活, 生计, 生存a. 活的, 逼真的, 现存的【医】 生活 living  AHD:  [l¹v“¹ng] D.J.  [6l!v!0]K.K.  [6l!v!0]adj.(形容词)1. Possessing life:有生命的:famous living painters; transplanted living tissue.在世的著名画家;移植活性组织2. In active function or use:活动中的,应用中的:a living language.仍在使用中的语言3. Of persons who are alive:世人的:events within living memory.仍在世人记忆中的事件4. Full of life, interest, or vitality:生动的:充满生机、兴趣或活力的:made history a living subject.使历史成为生动有趣的科目5. True to life; realistic:栩栩如生的;现实的:the living image of her mother.她母亲的逼真形象6. Informal Used as an intensive:【非正式用语】 用作加强语气:beat the living hell out of his opponent in the boxing match.在拳击比赛中痛击对手n.(名词)1. The condition or action of maintaining life:生活:维持生命的状态或行动:the high cost of living.很高的生活费用2. A manner or style of life:生活方式或风格:preferred plain living.偏爱简朴的生活3. A means of maintaining life; livelihood:谋生手段;生计:made their living by hunting.靠打猎为生4. Chiefly British A church benefice, including the revenue attached to it.【多用于英国】 教产:教堂的圣俸,包括附带的税收收入参考词汇:1. living,alive,live,animate,animated,vital2. These adjectives mean possessed of or exhibiting life.这些形容词表示拥有或显示生命。3. Living, alive,   andlive  refer principally to organisms that are not dead but continue to live:  Living, alive  和live 要指未死并继续生存的生物体:  a live canary.一只活金丝雀。4. Animate  applies to living animal as distinct from living plant life: Animate  指区别于活植物的活动物: early peoples worshiping animate and inanimate objects.先民们祭拜各种活着或死去的动物。5. Animated  suggests renewed life, vigor, or spirit: Animated  指重新获得的生命、精力或精神: became very animated when he heard the good news.当他听到这个好消息时,精神焕发起来。6. Vital  refers to what is characteristic of or necessary to the continuation of life: Vital  指的是以生命延续为特征的或生命延续所需的: eating to maintain vital energy. See also Synonyms at  &b{livelihood} 吃饭以维持生命力 参见同义词 livelihood




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