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单词 loan
释义 loan[ləun]n. 贷款, 借出vt. 借, 供应货款, 借给vi. 借, 供应货款, 借给【法】 借, 借入, 借出 loan  loan  AHD:  [l½n] D.J.  [l*&n]K.K.  [lon]n.(名词)1. Something lent for temporary use.借出物:借出以供临时使用的东西2. A sum of money lent at interest.贷款:附利息借出的一笔钱3. An act of lending; a grant for temporary use:借:借的行动;允许暂时使用:asked for the loan of a garden hose.借用一个花园浇水管4. A temporary transfer to a duty or place away from a regular job:借调:暂时离开常规工作转移到另一个职务或地方:an efficiency expert on loan from the main office.从总公司借调的一个效率专家及物动词)  loaned,,loans 【用法疑难】 To lend.借语源:1. Middle English lan, lon 中古英语 lan, lon 2. from Old Norse l³n * see  leik w- 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 l³n *参见 leik w- 继承用法:loan“er  n.(名词)用法:1. The verbloan  is well established in American usage and cannot be considered incorrect.The frequent objections to the form by American grammarians may have originatedfrom a provincial deference to British critics,who long ago labeled the usage a typical Americanism.Butloan  is used only to describe physical transactions, as of money or goods.For figurative transactions,lend  is the only possible form:  动词loan 在美国英语中的用法已根深蒂固, 不能认为是不确切的。美国语法专家们之所以对这一形式经常提出异议,是出于对英国批评家的狭隘尊崇,他们很久以来一直把这一用法列为典型美国腔。但loan 只用于描述物质交易, 如钱或商品。至于象征性的交易,只可能用lend :  The allusions lend the work a classical tone.这个典故使作品带古典味。2. Lendis also required in fixed expressions such as lend-lease  and moneylender.  Lend也用于固定词组如 平等租借交换 和 放债者 中




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