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单词 logrolling
释义 logrolling['lɒg,rəuliŋ]n. 滚木材, 相互吹棒, 水上踩滚木 logrolling  AHD:  [lôg“r½”l¹ng, l¼g“-] D.J.  [6l%8g7r*&l!0, 6lKg-]K.K.  [6l%g7rol!0, 6l$g-]n.(名词)1. The exchanging of political favors, especially the trading of influence or votes among legislators to achieve passage of projects that are of interest to one another.互投赞成票:交换政治上的赞同意见,尤指议员之间的政治影响或选票交易,目的在于促成对彼此都有利的议案的通过2. The exchanging of favors or praise, as among artists, critics, or academics.相互吹捧:艺术家、批评家或学术人士之间互相交换赞同和赞扬意见3. See  birling 参见  birling语源:[From the early American practice of neighbors gathering to help clear land by rolling off and burning felled timber] [源于早期的美国定居者邻居之间聚集起来把伐倒的树木滚走并烧掉以清整土地] 继承用法:log“roll”er  n.(名词)




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