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单词 low
释义 low[ləu]n. 低点, 低价, 低, 牛叫声a. 低的, 消沉的, 低等的, 浅的, 卑贱的ad. 低下地, 谦卑地, 低vi. 牛叫【经】 低点; 低廉的, 低下的相关词组:be in low spiritsfall lowbring lowburn lowlay lowlie lowrun lowlow blowat low waterin low waterhave a low opinion offeel low low 1  low 1  AHD:  [l½] D.J.  [l*&]K.K.  [lo]adj.(形容词),low.est 1. Having little relative height; not high or tall.低的:相对有较小高度的;不高的2. Rising only slightly above surrounding surfaces.地势低的:比周围水平面只高出一点的3. Situated or placed below normal height:位置低的:比正常高度低的:a low lighting fixture.低矮的照明设备4. Situated below the surrounding surfaces:低的:比周围平面低的:water standing in low spots.低水位5. Dead and buried.死的,埋葬的6. Cut to show the wearer's neck and chest; décolleté:低口的:裁剪低到显示穿着者的脖子和胸口的;低领口的:a low neckline.低领口7. Near or at the horizon:靠近地平线的:靠近地平线或在地平线上的:The sun is low in the sky.太阳接近地平线8. Linguistics Produced with part or all of the tongue depressed, asa,  pronounced (ä), in father.  Used of vowels. 【语言学】 舌位放低的,低声的:舌头部分或全部被压低而发出的,比如在father 中 a 发成(ä)。用在元音中 9. Of less than usual or average depth; shallow:浅的:低于普通的或一般深度的;浅的:The river is low.这河浅10. Humble in status or character.卑贱的:在地位或性格上比较低级的11. Biology Of relatively simple structure in the scale of living organisms.【生物学】 低级的:有机物的等级中有相对简单结构的12. Unrefined; coarse:粗俗的:不高雅的;俗气的:low humor.粗俗幽默13. Violating standards of morality or decency; base:下流的:违反道德标准;卑劣的:a low stunt to pull.See Synonyms at &b{mean} &+{2}耍花招参见 mean214. Lacking strength or vigor; weak.衰弱的:缺乏力气或活力的;虚弱的15. Emotionally or mentally depressed.消沉的:感情上或精神上受压抑的16. Below average in degree, intensity, or amount:少的,低下的:在程度、强度或数量上低于平均值的:a low temperature.低温17. Below an average or a standard:低水平的:低于平均值或标准的:low wages; a low level of communication.低工资;低水准的通讯系统18. Ranked near the beginning of an ascending series or scale:位置低的:排在接近上升系列或等级的开端的:a low number; a low grade of oil.一个小的数;低级油19. Relating to or being latitudes nearest to the equator.(纬度)低的:纬度接近赤道的,或与之有关的20. Relatively small. Used of a cost, price, or other value:低的:相对小的。用于费用,价格或其他价值:a low fee; a low income.低费用;低收入21. Characterized by a small degree, intensity, or amount of a specified attribute:低的:具有某一特定品质的低程度、低强度或低数量的特征的:a low cholesterol diet.低胆固醇饮食22. Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively small number of sound-wave cycles per second.低音的:与一相对少量的每秒钟音波周期相对应的低音的23. Not loud; soft:低声的:不大的;轻柔的:a low murmur.悄悄话24. Being near total depletion:缺钱的,快枯竭的:接近完全耗尽:My savings account is low.我的存款几乎用完了25. Not adequately provided or equipped; short:不足的,缺乏的:供给不足的;缺乏的:low on supplies.低供应26. Depreciatory; disparaging:贬值的;贬低的:a low opinion of his qualities.贬低他的素质的意见27. Brought down or reduced in health or wealth:体质弱的,营养差的:健康或营养状况下降的或减少的:in a low state.身体欠佳的状态28. Of, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that produces the least vehicular speed with respect to engine speed.低速档的:属于、关于或是产生与引擎速度相应的最低车速的车档结构(比如在汽车变速器中的结构)的adv.(副词)1. In or to a low position, level, or space:处于低点,低水平:处在低的地点、水平或空间:aimed low; bent low.目标低;弯到很低2. In or to a low condition or rank; humbly:低等地:处在一种低的状态或地位;低下的:thought low of himself.看低自己3. In or to a reduced, humbled, or degraded condition:向下地:在减少的、低贱的或下降的状态的:brought low by business reverses.被商业逆势搞垮的4. Softly; quietly:柔和地;低声地:speak low.轻声地说5. With a deep pitch:低调子地:用低沉的声音:sang low.低沉的唱6. At a small price:廉价地:bought low and sold high.贱买贵卖n.(名词)1. A low level, position, or degree:低下,低:低水平、低位置或低程度:Rain collects in the lows. The stock market fell to a new low.雨水聚在低洼地。股市滑入新的低谷2. Meteorology A region of atmospheric pressure that is below normal.【气象学】 低气压区:大气压低于正常值的地区3. The low gear configuration of a transmission.低速齿轮:传动的低速齿轮构造语源:1. Middle English loue 中古英语 loue 2. from Old Norse l³gr * see  legh- 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 l³gr *参见 legh- 继承用法:low“ness  n.(名词) low 2  low 2  AHD:  [l½] D.J.  [l*&]K.K.  [lo]n.(名词)The characteristic sound uttered by cattle; a moo.(牛)哞哞的叫声:牛发出的典型声音,哞哞叫v.intr.(不及物动词)  lowed,,lows To utter the sound made by cattle; moo.哞哞叫:牛发出声音,哞哞叫语源:1. From Middle English lowen [to moo] 源自 中古英语 lowen [发哞哞声] 2. from Old English hl½wan * see  kel…- 2源自 古英语 hl½wan *参见 kel…- 2 Low 1  Low  AHD:  [l½] Sir David Alexander Cecil (1891-1963) D.J.  [l*&]K.K.  [lo]NONE(无词性)British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.洛,戴维·亚历山大·塞西尔:(1891-1963) 英国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守分子形象 Low 2  Low&B{Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon} (&b{1860-1927})  NONE(无词性)American founder of the Girl Scouts (1912).洛,尤列特·马戈尔·金兹·戈登:(1860-1927) 美国女童子军(创立于1912年)的创始人 Low 3  Low&B{Seth} (&b{1850-1916})  NONE(无词性)American educator, reformer, and public official. He served as mayor of Brooklyn (1882-1886) and New York City (1901-1903).洛,塞特:(1850-1916) 美国教育家,改革家和政府官员。他担任过布鲁克林市长(1882-1886年)和纽约市市长(1901-1903年)




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