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单词 lure
释义 lure[luə]n. 饵, 诱惑vt. 引诱, 诱惑 lure  lure  AHD:  [l‹r] D.J.  [l&*]K.K.  [l&r]n.(名词)1. Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward.诱惑物:以允诺给予满足或奖励的方式诱惑或吸引人的东西2. An attraction or appeal.吸引力,魅力3. A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.诱饵,囵子:用来捕捉动物的诱饵,尤指用来捕捉鱼的人造诱饵4. A bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk.鸟媒:系在长绳上的一束羽毛,在放鹰狩猎中用来召回猎鹰及物动词)  lured,,lures 1. To attract by wiles or temptation; entice.吸引:以诡计或诱惑来吸引;诱惑2. To recall (a falcon) with a lure.用引诱物召回(猎鹰)语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 3. [of Germanic origin] [源于日耳曼语] 继承用法:lur“er  n.(名词)lur“ingly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. lure,entice,inveigle,decoy,tempt,seduce2. These verbs mean to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foolish course, as of action.这些动词意思是引导或试图诱导至错误或愚蠢的道路,如行动的道路。3. Lure  suggests the use of something that attracts like bait: Lure  表示用象鱼饵似的东西来吸引: The teacher opened the door and, showing the tot the toys on the shelves, tried to entice him into the classroom.老师打开门,让小孩看着架子上那些玩具,试图吸引他走进教室。4. Inveigle  implies winning over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk: Inveigle  暗指通过哄骗、奉承或花言巧语而达到目的: Partisans dressed as simple farmers selling produce decoyed the soldiers into blistering crossfire.装扮成卖东西的普通农民的游击队员们把敌军诱入强大的交叉火力圈中。5. Tempt  implies the operation of an attraction that disposes or invites one to do something,especially something immoral, unwise, or contrary to one's better judgment: Tempt  暗指一个诱惑物作用于某人,诱使其做某事,尤指做不道德、不明智、与其正常判断相反的事情: “The French King attempted by splendid offers to seduce him from the cause of the Republic” (Macaulay).“法国国王试图以十分优厚的条件诱使他脱离共和国的事业” (麦考利)




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