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单词 mad
释义 mad[mæd]a. 疯狂的, 发疯的, 生气的, 愚蠢的, 狂欢的n. 狂怒【医】 发狂的, 患狂犬病的相关词组:have a mad onlike maddrive sb mad mad  mad  AHD:  [m²d] D.J.  [m#d]K.K.  [m#d]adj.(形容词)  mad.der,mad.dest 1. Angry; resentful.See Synonyms at angry 生气的;怨恨的参见 angry2. Suffering from a disorder of the mind; insane.患心神错乱的;疯的3. Temporarily or apparently deranged by violent sensations, emotions, or ideas:极度激动的:由于强烈的感觉、情感或想法而暂时地或明显地发生精神紊乱:mad with jealousy.妒忌得发狂4. Lacking restraint or reason; foolish:狂妄的,愚蠢的:缺乏约束或理智的;愚蠢的:I was mad to have hired her in the first place.我首先雇了她算是傻透了5. Feeling or showing strong liking or enthusiasm:对…着迷的:感到或表现出强烈的喜爱或热情:mad about sports.狂热地喜爱体育6. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation; frantic:狂乱的,猛烈的:以极度兴奋、混乱或激动为标志的;狂乱的:a mad scramble for the bus.上公共汽车时的狂冲乱挤7. Boisterously gay; hilarious:狂欢喧闹的;狂乐的:had a mad time.疯狂地玩乐8. Affected by rabies; rabid.患狂犬病的;异常暴躁的及物动词和不及物动词)  mad.ded,mad.ding,mads To make or become mad; madden.使发疯或变得疯狂;使疯狂习惯用语:like mad【非正式用语】  1. Wildly; impetuously:疯狂地;迅疾地:drove like mad.发疯似地驾车2. To an intense degree or great extent:在很大程度上或限度上:worked like mad; snowing like mad.疯狂地工作;大雪纷纷扬扬mad as a hatter  Crazy; deranged.发疯的;发狂的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English gem&9{Ædde} 源自 古英语 gem&9{Ædde} 3. past participle of *gem&9{Ædan} [to madden] *gem&9{Ædan的过去分词} [使发疯] 4. from gem³d [insane] * see  mei- 1源自 gem³d [疯的] *参见 mei- 1继承用法:mad“dish  adj.(形容词) MAD  MAD  AHD:  [m²d] D.J.  [m#d]K.K.  [m#d]n.(名词)Mutual assured destruction. Mutual assured destruction.




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