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单词 made
释义 made[meid]a. 人工制成的, 成功的, 创造的make的过去式和过去分词【机】 之过去分词; 作的, 制造的相关词组:made ofbe made of made  made  AHD:  [m³d] D.J.  [me!d]K.K.  [med]v.(动词)Past tense and past participle of make make的过去式和过去分词adj.(形容词)1. Produced or manufactured by constructing, shaping, or forming. Often used in combination:制作的:用构筑、塑造或制作等方式制造或生产的。常常用子复合词当中:handmade lace; ready-made suits.手钩花边;成衣2. Produced or created artificially:人工制造的或创造的:bought some made goods at the local store.在当地的商店里购买一些人工制造的物品3. Having been invented; contrived:虚构的;捏造的:These made excuses of yours just won't wash.你那些捏造的托辞根本站不住脚4. Assured of success:肯定会成功的:a made man.成功的人习惯用语:made for  Perfectly suited for:非常合适的:They're made for each other.他们相互之间非常般配




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