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单词 major
释义 major['meidʒə]n. 主修课, 成年人, 陆军少校a. 主要的, 较多的, 大部分的, 成年的, 严重的vi. 主修【计】 主要, 主要刻度【经】 主要的相关词组:major in major  ma.jor  AHD:  [m³“j…r] D.J.  [6me!d9*]K.K.  [6med9+]adj.(形容词)1. Greater than others in importance or rank:主要的,较重要的:在重要性或地位方面超过其他人的:a major artist.主要的艺术家2. Great in scope or effect:卓越的,显著的:在范围或效果上重大的:a major improvement.卓越的进步3. Great in number, size, or extent:多的,大的:数目、尺寸或程度上很大的:the major portion of the population.大部分的人口4. Requiring great attention or concern; very serious:严重的:需要很大的关心和注意的;非常严重的:a major illness.重病5. Law Having attained full legal age.【法律】 成年的:达到法定年龄的6. Of or relating to the field of academic study in which a student specializes.主修的,专攻的:和一个学生专门研究的学术领域有关的7. Music 【音乐】 8. Designating a scale or mode having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth degrees.长音阶的:表示在第三和第四以及第七和第八度之间产有半拍的音阶或调式的9. Equivalent to the distance between the tonic note and the second or third or sixth or seventh degrees of a major scale or mode:长调的:相当于主音音符与大调的第二或第三或第六和第七度之间的距离的:a major interval.长音程10. Based on a major scale:基于大调之上的:major key.大调n.(名词)1. Abbr. Maj.缩写 Maj.2. A comissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above captain and below lieutenant colonel.少校官阶:美国陆军、空军或海军在上尉之上而在中校之下的军衔3. A similar rank in another military or paramilitary organization.同少校官阶者:在其他军事或者准军事组织中的相同军衔4. One who holds this rank.少校:拥有这个军衔的人5. One that is superior in rank, importance, or ability:举足轻重者:在地位、重要性和能力方面很高的人或事物:an oil-producing country considered as one of the majors.产油国被认为是世界上的重要国家之一6. Law One who has reached full legal age.【法律】 成年人:达到法定年龄的人7. A field of study chosen as an academic specialty.专业,主修课:选作学术专业的一个研究领域8. A student specializing in such studies:主修生:专修这样专业的学生:a linguistics major.专修语言学的学生9. Logic 【逻辑学】 10. A major premise.大前提11. A major term.大项目12. Music A major scale, key, interval, or mode.【音乐】 大调音阶、调、音程或调式13. majors Sports The major leagues.majors 【体育运动】 美国职棒联盟v.intr.(不及物动词)  ma.jored,,ma.jors To pursue academic studies in a major:主修:在一个专业里进行学术研究:majoring in mathematics.主修数学语源:1. Middle English majour 中古英语 majour 2. from Latin m³ior * see  meg- 源自 拉丁语 m³ior *参见 meg-  Major  Ma.jor  AHD:  [m³“j…r] John Roy (Born 1943) D.J.  [6me!d/*]K.K.  [6med/+]NONE(无词性)British banker and conservative politician who served as prime minister from 1990 to 1997. During his administration he advocated privatization, anti-inflationary budget discipline, and negotiations for peace in Northern Ireland.梅杰,约翰,雷:英国银行家与保守政治家,1990年至1997年任首相。在其执政期间,提倡私有化、反对通货膨胀的预算纪律,以及在北爱尔兰的和平谈判




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