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单词 majority
释义 majority[mə'dʒɒriti]n. 多数, 大半【计】 多数逻辑【经】 大多数相关词组:the majority of majority  ma.jor.i.ty  AHD:  [m…-jôr“¹-t¶, -j¼r“-] D.J.  [m*6d9%8r!ti8, -6d9Kr-]K.K.  [m*6d9%r!ti, -6d9$r-]n.(名词)  【复数】 ma.jor.i.ties 1. The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total.大多数,过半数:大多数;超过全部的一半的数2. The amount by which the greater number of votes cast, as in an election, exceeds the total number of remaining votes.多数票:占选票的决大多数,例如在选举中超过其余票数和的票数3. The political party, group, or faction having the most power by virtue of its larger representation or electoral strength.多数党:凭其更多的代表或更大的选举力量而享有最大权力的政党、政治集团或者派别4. The status of having reached full legal age, with attendant rights and responsibilities.成年:已经到达法定年龄并享有相应的权利和义务的一种状态5. The military rank, commission, or office of a major.少校:少校的军衔、军职或者职位6. Obsolete The fact or state of being greater; superiority.【废语】 占优势:更大的事实或状态;优越性语源:1. French majorité 法语 majorité 2. from Medieval Latin m³i½rit³s 源自 中世纪拉丁语 m³i½rit³s 3. from Latin m³ior [greater] * see  meg- 源自 拉丁语 m³ior [更大的] *参见 meg- 用法:1. Whenmajority  refers to a particular number of votes, it takes a singular verb: 当majority 指特定的选票数目时, 其动词用单数: His majority has been growing by 5 percent every year. 他的票数正以每年5%的速度增长。 2. When it refers to a group of persons or things that are in the majority,it may take either a singular or plural verb,depending on whether the group is considered as a whole or as a set of people considered individually.So we sayThe majority elects  (not elect ) the candidate it wants  (not they want ), since the election is accomplished by the group as a whole;butThe majority of the voters live  (not lives ) in the city,  since living in the city is something that each voter does individually. ·Majority is often preceded by great  (but not by greater ) in expressing emphatically the sense of “most of”: 当它是指处于多数地位的一组人或事物时,其动词既可以用单数也可以用复数,取决于把这个集体当作一个整体来看待还是当作个别的人的组合。所以我们说大多数人选举了 (不用 elect ) 他们所想要的候选人 (不用 they want ), 因为选举是由一个作为整体的群体所完成的;但是大多数投票者住在 (不用 lives ) 市区,  因为住在城市里是每个投票人作为个人所做的事情。Majority 的前面往往加一个 great (但是不加 greater ), 用来强调指出“大多数”的含义: The great majority approved. 绝大多数同意了。 3. The phrasegreater majority  is appropriate only when considering two majorities:  词组greater majority 只是在两个多数作比较时才适用:  He won by a greater majority in this election than in the last. 他比上一次赢得更多数的选票




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