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单词 accolade
释义 accolade[,ækəu'leid]n. 荣誉, 赞美, 骑士爵位的授予礼, 连谱号 accolade  AHD:  [²k“…-l³d”, -läd”] D.J.  [6#k*7le!d, -7l$8d]K.K.  [6#k*7led, -7l$d]n.(名词)1. An expression of approval; praise.赞赏表示;赞美2. A special acknowledgment; an award.荣誉;奖励3. A ceremonial embrace, as of greeting or salutation.见面礼节:礼节性拥抱,如问候或敬礼4. Ceremonial bestowal of knighthood.骑士授予礼:授予骑士称号的仪式及物动词),, To praise or honor:赞扬,赞誉:“His works are invariably accoladed as definitive even as they sparkle and spark”(&b{Malcolm S. Forbes})“当他的作品大放光彩时,一直被放在举足轻重的地位(马尔科姆S.福布斯)语源:1. French [an embrace, accolade] 法语 [拥抱,赞誉] 2. from accoler [to embrace] 源自 accoler [拥抱] 3. from Old French acoler 源自 古法语 acoler 4. from Vulgar Latin *accol³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *accol³re 5. Latin ad- * see  ad- 拉丁语 ad- *参见 ad-6. Latin collum [neck] * see  k wel- 1拉丁语 collum [颈部] *参见 k wel- 1注释:Those who have received so many accolades that they have no fear of getting it in the neck may have to reconsider their situation.In tracingaccolade  back to its Latin origins, we find that it was formed from the prefixad-,  “to, on,” and the noun collum,  “neck,” which may bring the wordcollar  to mind. From these elements came the Vulgar Latin word.accoll³re,   which, in turn, was the source of Frenchaccolade,  “an embrace.” An embrace was originally given to a knight when dubbing him,a fact that accounts foraccolade  having the technical sense “ceremonial bestowal of knighthood,” the sense in which the word is first recorded in English in 1623.那些接受了如此多的拥吻以致不怕再在颈部接受的人,也许应考虑一下他们所处状况。追溯accolade 的拉丁文辞源, 我们可以发现它是由前缀ad- “到在…之上”之意和名词 collum, “颈部”之意, 这词使我们想起collar 一词。 从这些成分组成俗拉丁词accollare,  而这词反过来又成为法语词accolade, “拥抱”的词源。 原来是指骑士授予时所给予的拥抱,这事实可解释accolade 一词带“授予骑士称号的典礼”的意义, 这个词带这种意义在英语中是在1623年第一次使用




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