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单词 Mandelbrot set
释义 Mandelbrot set  Man.del.brot set  AHD:  [m\\adie/n“d…l-br¼t”] D.J.  [6m$8nd*l7brKt]K.K.  [6m$nd*l7br$t]n.(名词)The set of complex numbersC  for which the iteration z n  +1 = z n  2 + C  produces finite z n  for all n  when started at z  0 = 0. The boundary of the Mandelbrot set is a fractal. 孟得伯特集合:复数C 的集合,当初值为 z  0 = 0时,对于所有的 n , z n  +1 = z n  2 + C 的迭代结果为 z n 。孟得伯特集合的边界是不规则碎片形 语源:After Benoit B. Mandelbrot  (born 1924), Polish-born American mathematician After Benoit B. Mandelbrot  (born 1924), Polish-born American mathematician




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