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单词 maple
释义 maple['meipl]n. 枫, 枫木, 淡棕色【机】 枫木 maple  ma.ple  AHD:  [m³“p…l] D.J.  [6me!p*l]K.K.  [6mep*l]n.(名词)1. Any of numerous deciduous trees or shrubs of the genusAcer  of the North Temperate Zone, having opposite, usually palmate leaves and long-winged fruits borne in pairs. 槭树,枫树:任一种北温带的众多属于槭 属的落叶树木或灌木,生有对称的通常呈掌状的叶子和成对结的长翅状果实 2. The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, close-grained wood of the sugar maple, often used for furniture and flooring.槭树材:这些树木的任一种木材,尤指坚硬、木纹细密的糖槭木材,通常用于做家具和地板3. The flavor of the concentrated sap of the sugar maple.糖槭汁的浓缩香料语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English mapul- 源自 古英语 mapul- 3. as in mapultr¶o 如在 mapultr¶o




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