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单词 Mariana Islands
释义 Mariana Islands Islands  AHD:  [m²r”¶-²n“…, mâr”-, mä”r¶-ä“nä] D.J.  [7m#ri86#n*, 7me*r-, 7m$8ri86$8n$8]K.K.  [7m#ri6#n*, 7mWr-, 7m$ri6$n$]NONE(无词性)An island group and U.S. commonwealth in the western Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines. Guam, the largest island of the group, is independent of the commonwealth, known as theNorthern Mariana Islands,  which gained official status in 1986. The Marianas were discovered by Magellan in 1521 and held by Spain until 1898. They were sold to Germany in 1899 (when Guam was ceded to the United States) and later became a Japanese mandate (1919-1944). Population, 16,780. 马里亚纳群岛:太平洋西部的一个群岛,位于菲律宾群岛的东面,它是美国联盟的一个自治区。独立于联邦的关岛是该群岛中的最大岛屿,被称为“北马里亚纳群岛” ,它在1986年始得到官方承认。马里亚纳群岛于1521年被麦哲伦发现,在1898年以前一直为西班牙所占。1899年它们被卖给了德国(当时关岛被割让给美国),后来马里亚纳群岛成为日本的托管地(1919-1944年)。人口16,780




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