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单词 Marseilles
释义 Marseilles[mɑ:'seilz]n. 马赛, 马赛布 Marseilles  Marseilles 也作 Mar.seille  AHD:  [mär-s³“] D.J.  [m$86se!]K.K.  [m$r6se]NONE(无词性)A city of southeast France on an arm of the Mediterranean Sea west-northwest of Toulon. The oldest city of France, it was founded c. 600b.c.  by Greeks from Asia Minor and overrun by barbarian tribes in the 5th and 6th centuries a.d.  Marseilles became independent in the 13th century and passed to France in 1481. Today it is an industrial center and a major seaport. Population, 874,436. 马赛:法国东南部一城市,位于土伦西北偏西的地中海一海湾上。公元前 600年由来自小亚细亚半岛的希腊人建立,是法国最古老的城市。 公元 5世纪和6世纪由野蛮部落统治。13世纪马赛独立并于1481年交由法国统治。现为工业中心和主要港口。人口874,436




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