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单词 masterful
释义 masterful['mɑ:stəful]a. 傲慢的, 主人派头的, 熟练的 masterful  mas.ter.ful  AHD:  [m²s“t…r-f…l] D.J.  [6m#st*f*l]K.K.  [6m#st*f*l]adj.(形容词)1. Given to playing the master; imperious or domineering.专横的,跋扈的:好摆主人架子的;傲慢的或专横的2. Fit to command.有权威的:适合指挥的人3. Revealing mastery or skill; expert:精巧的,熟练的:显露出技术熟练或精湛的;专业的:a masterful technique; masterful moviemaking.精湛的技法;精湛的制片继承用法:mas“terfully  adv.(副词)mas“terfulness  n.(名词)用法:According to a widely repeated dictum,masterful should be reserved for the sense “imperious, domineering,” as ina masterful tone of voice,  whereasmasterly  should be the choice when the intended sense is “having the skill of a master,” as ina masterly performance of the sonata.  The distinction is a nicety that some writers will want to continue to observe.But the use ofmasterful  in the latter sense has long been common in reputable writing and cannot be regarded as incorrect.根据广为强调的权威意见,masterful 应限于“支配的、专横的”的含义。 例如,一种专横傲慢的语调,  而如果想指“具备精通者的技艺”,则应该选用masterly 。 例如,一场奏鸣曲的精湛演出 。 一些作家会继续遵守这个细微区别。但在后一种含义上使用masterful 在一些享有声望的作品中也一直常见, 因此不能被看作是不准确的




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