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单词 mastiff
释义 mastiff['mæstif]n. 大驯犬 mastiff  mas.tiff  AHD:  [m²s“t¹f] D.J.  [6m#st!f]K.K.  [6m#st!f]n.(名词)Any of an ancient breed of large, strong dogs, probably originating in Asia and having a short, often fawn-colored coat.獒犬,大驯犬:古代一种大而强壮的狗,可能源于亚洲,具有短且呈黄褐色的皮毛语源:1. Middle English mastif 中古英语 mastif 2. alteration of Old French mastin 古法语 mastin的变化 3. from Vulgar Latin *(canis) m³nsu¶t&9{ºnus} [tame (dog)] 源自 俗拉丁语 *(canis) m³nsu¶t&9{ºnus} [驯养的(狗)] 4. from Latin m³nsu¶tus [past participle of] m³nsu¶scere [to tame] 源自 拉丁语 m³nsu¶tus  [] m³nsu¶scere的过去分词 [驯养,驯服] 5. manus [hand] * see  man- 2manus [手] *参见 man- 26. su¶scere [to accustom] * see  s(w)e- su¶scere [习惯于,适应于] *参见 s(w)e- 注释:The mastiff, which was at one time used in bullbaiting and bearbaiting as well as in dogfights,is ultimately named not for its fierceness but for its tameness.To find this tamenesswe must look back to the ultimate source ofmastiff  in the Latin word m³nsu¶tus,  “tame, domesticated,” itself derived from the past participle ofmanusu¶scere,  “to tame,” made up of the rootman-  found in the wordmanus,  “hand,” and the verb su¶scere,  “to become accustomed to.” Tame beasts are accustomed to the hand.To explain howmansu¶scere  became mastiff,  we must follow it through its Vulgar Latin development,.mansu¶t&9{ºnus,} “domesticated,” and the later Old French development, mastin,  “mastiff.” While being borrowed into English,mastin  was probably blended with the Old French word mestif,  “mongrel,” and was possibly influenced by the Medieval Latin wordmast&9{ºvus,}  “mastiff,” probably itself an error formast&9{ºnus,}  which came from the same Vulgar Latin source as the Old French word. Mastiff  is first recorded in Middle English (as mastif ) in a work written before 1387. 曾经一度被用于纵狗斗牛、纵狗斗熊以及斗狗的大驯犬,最终并不是因为它的凶狠而是因为它的驯顺命名。要找到这种驯顺,我们必须回溯到mastiff 的最终拉丁语词源 mansuetus 意为“驯服,驯养”, 该词本身源于manusuescere “驯养”的过去分词, 由man- 构成, 始于manus  (意为“手”)和动词 suesere “适应,习惯于”。 被驯养的野兽习惯于驯养者的手。要知道mansuecere 如何成 mastiff , 我们必须紧跟它在俗拉丁语中的发展,mansuetinus (“驯服的”)以及后来古法语的发展 mastin “猛犬”。 当mastin 一词借用到英语中时,它可能和古法语词 mestif (“杂种狗”)相混合, 还可能受中世纪拉丁语词mastivus (“大驯犬”)的影响, 但也许这个词本身就是同样作为古法语词来源于俗拉丁语的mastinus 的误写。 Mastiff  在1387年的一部作品中首次出现在中世纪英语里(当时写作 mastif )




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