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单词 mate
释义 mate[meit]n. 配偶, 对手, 助手, (象棋)将死vt. 使配对, 使一致, 结伴, (象棋)将死vi. 成配偶, 紧密配合【医】 巴拉圭茶, 冬青茶相关词组:mate words with deeds mate 1  mate 1  AHD:  [m³t] D.J.  [me!t]K.K.  [met]n.(名词)1. One of a matched pair:相匹配的一对中的一个:the mate to this glove.这支手套的另一支2. A spouse.配偶3. Either of a pair of animals or birds that associate in order to propagate.一方:鸟或兽的为了繁殖的配偶中的一只4. Either of a pair of animals brought together for breeding.配对:为繁殖而配到一起的鸟、兽的一只5. A person with whom one is in close association; an associate.伙伴,同事:与一个人有密切关系的人;同伴6. A good friend or companion.好朋友或同伴7. A deck officer on a merchant ship ranking below the master.大副:商船上低于船长的甲板上的官员8. A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer.下士:美国海军作四级准尉助手的小官v.(动词)  mat.ed,,mates及物动词)1. To join closely; pair.使密切结合;使配对2. To unite in marriage.使成夫妇3. To pair (animals) for breeding.使(动物)交配v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become joined in marriage.成配偶2. To be paired for reproducing; breed.为了繁殖而配对的;繁殖3. To copulate.交媾语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Middle Low German m³te, gemate [messmate] 源自 中古低地德语 m³te, gemate [同伴]  mate 2  mate 2  AHD:  [m³t] 【游戏】 D.J.  [me!t]K.K.  [met]n.(名词)A checkmate.将死王棋及物动词和不及物动词)  mat.ed,,mates To checkmate or achieve a checkmate.将死或使彻底失败语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French mat [checkmated] 源自 古法语 mat [被将死的] 3. from Arabic m³t [dead] * see  checkmate 源自 阿拉伯语 m³t [死的] *参见 checkmate




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