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单词 McCarthy
释义 McCarthy 1  Mc.Car.thy  AHD:  [m…-kär“th¶] Joseph Raymond (1908-1957) D.J.  [m*6k$8Gi8]K.K.  [m*6k$rGi]NONE(无词性)American politician. A U.S. senator from Wisconsin (1947-1957), he presided over the permanent subcommittee on investigations and held public hearings in which he accused army officials, members of the media, and public figures of being Communists. His charges were never proved, and he was censured by the Senate in 1954.麦卡锡,约瑟夫·雷芒德:(1908-1957) 美国政治家,来自威斯康星州的美国参议员(1947-1957年)。他指责许多军队官员、新闻媒介内部工作人员和公众人物为共产党,并指挥一个永久委员会分会对他们进行调查和公开审判。他的指控从未成立,1954年他受到议会的谴责 McCarthy 2  McCarthy&B{Mary Therese} (&b{1912-1989})  NONE(无词性)American writer noted for her sharp literary criticism and satirical fiction, including the novelsThe Groves of Academe  (1952) and The Group  (1963). 麦卡锡,玛丽·德肋撒:(1912-1989) 美国女作家,以其尖锐的文学批评和讽刺小说出名,其作品包括《学院的小树林》 (1952年)和 《群组》 (1963年)




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