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单词 meaningless
释义 meaningless['mi:niŋlis]a. 无意义的 meaningless  AHD:  [m¶“n¹ng-l¹s] D.J.  [6mi8n!0l!s]K.K.  [6min!0l!s]adj.(形容词)Having no meaning or significance.无意义的,无价值的继承用法:mean“inglessly  adv.(副词)mean“inglessness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. meaningless,senseless,mindless,irrational,pointless,purposeless2. These adjectives mean lacking import, direction, or purpose.这些形容词都含有无意义、无方向或无目的意思。3. Meaningless   andsenseless  emphasize absence of meaning, significance, or motivation:  Meaningless  和senseless 强调缺乏意义、重要性或动机:  senseless violence.无意义的暴力。4. Mindless  applies to that which lacks the will and thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious being: Mindless  用于指缺乏思考能力和意志的: “We must dare to think about ‘unthinkable things’because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes mindless” (J. William Fulbright).“我们必须敢于思考‘不可想的事情’,因为如果事情变得不可想,思想就会停止,行动就会盲目” (J.威廉·富尔布顿特)。5. Irrational  implies a lack of accord with or a lack of reason or sound judgment: Irrational  指缺乏理性或良好辨别、判断能力的: “It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears” (Louis D. Brandeis).“是言论的作用使人们从无理性的恐惧中解脱出来” (路易D.布兰代斯)。6. Pointless   andpurposeless stress the absence of an aim or end:  Pointless  和purposeless 强调没有目的:  She feels that her life is purposeless and empty. 她觉得自己的生活空虚且没有方向




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