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单词 med
释义 med  med  AHD:  [mµd] D.J.  [med]K.K.  [mWd]adj.Informal (形容词)【非正式用语】 Medical:医学的:med schools; med students.医学院;医学学生 MEd.  MEd.  abbr.(略语)Master of Education.教育学硕士 med-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: mete1 medicine,remedy,meditate,modest,moderate,mode,model,modern,modify,module,mold1 accomodate,commodity,must1 empty重要派生词为: mete1 medicine,remedy,meditate,modest,moderate,mode,model,modern,modify,module,mold1 accomodate,commodity,must1 empty2. To take appropriate measures.采取适当的措施.3. mete 1 , from Old English  metan , to measure (out), from Germanic  *metan ; mete 1 , 源自 古英语  metan , 按量分配, 源自 日耳曼语  *metan ; 4. meet 2 , from Old English  gem&9{Æte} , “commensurate,” fit ( ge- , with; see kom ), from Germanic  derivative *m&9{Æt½} , measure. meet 2 , 源自 古英语  gem&9{Æte} , “同量的,” 适宜的 ( ge- , 与; 参见 kom), 源自 日耳曼语 派生词 *m&9{Æt½} , 量度器. 5. medical , medicate , ( medicine ), ( medico ); metheglin , remedy , from Latin  med¶r&9{º} , to look after, heal, cure; medical , medicate , ( medicine ), ( medico ); metheglin , remedy , 源自 拉丁语  med¶r&9{º} , 照料, 痊愈, 治疗; 6. meditate , from Latin  medit³r&9{º} , to think about, consider, reflect. meditate , 源自 拉丁语  medit³r&9{º} , 思考, 考虑, 认真思考. 7. Suffixed form*med-es- . 添加后缀的形式*med-es- . 8. modest ; immodest , from Latin  modestus , “keeping to the appropriate measure,” moderate; modest ; immodest , 源自 拉丁语  modestus , “保存适当的尺度,” 适度的; 9. moderate ; immoderate , from Latin  moder³r&9{º} , “to keep within measure,” to moderate, control. Both a  and b  from Latin  *modes- , replacing *medes-  by influence of modus  (see 5  below). moderate ; immoderate , 源自 拉丁语  moder³r&9{º} , “保持在一定的范围内,” 使…稳定, 控制. a 和 b 都源自 拉丁语  *modes- , 替代 *medes- 受 modus 的影响 (参见 5  下文). 10. Medusa , from Greek  medein , to rule (feminine participle medousa  N *med-ont-ia ). Medusa , 源自 希腊语  medein , 统治(阴性分词 medousa  N *med-ont-ia ). 11. Suffixed o-grade form*mod-o- . modal , mode , model , modern , modicum , modify , modulate , module , modulus , mold 1 , ( mood 2 ), ( moulage ); ( accomodate ), ( commode ), commodious , ( commodity ), from Latin  modus , measure, size, limit, manner, harmony, melody. 添加后缀的O级形式*mod-o- . modal , mode , model , modern , modicum , modify , modulate , module , modulus , mold 1 , ( mood 2 ), ( moulage ); ( accomodate ), ( commode ), commodious , ( commodity ), 源自 拉丁语  modus , 尺寸, 大小, 限度, 方式, 调和, 曲调. 12. Suffixed o-grade form*mod-yo- . modiolus , mutchkin , from Latin  modius , a measure of grain. 添加后缀的O级形式*mod-yo- . modiolus , mutchkin , 源自 拉丁语  modius , 谷物的量度器. 13. Possibly lengthened o-grade form*m½d- . 可能为变长的O级形式*m½d- . 14. mote 2 , must 1 , from Old English  m½tan , to have occasion, to be permitted or obliged; mote 2 , must 1 , 源自 古英语  m½tan , 有机会, 被允许或被恩赐; 15. empty , from Old English  &9{Æmetta} , rest, leisure, from Germanic  compound *¶-m½t-ja-  (prefix *¶- , meaning uncertain, from Indo-European  *¶ , *½ , to). Both a  and b  from Germanic  *m½t- , ability, leisure. empty , 源自 古英语  &9{Æmetta} , 休息, 闲暇, 源自 日耳曼语 复合词 *¶-m½t-ja-  (前缀 *¶- , 意义不确定, 源自 印欧语  *¶ , *½ , 向). a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语  *m½t- , 能力, 空闲. 语源:Pokorny  705. 波科尔尼  705.  med.  med.  abbr.(略语)1. Medicine. Medicine.2. Medieval. Medieval.3. Medium. Medium.




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