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单词 meet
释义 meet[mi:t]n. 会, 集会a. 适宜的, 合适的vt. 遇见, 引见, 认识, 满足, 对付vi. 相遇, 接触【化】 交切; 交切点【经】 会面相关词组:meet...end onmeet halfwaymeet trouble halfwaymeet up withmeet withmore than meet the eye meet 1  meet 1  AHD:  [m¶t] D.J.  [mi8t]K.K.  [mit]v.(动词)  met[mµt],meets及物动词)1. To come upon by chance or arrangement.遇见,碰见:邂逅或经安排而见面2. To be present at the arrival of:赶上:在…到达时在场:met the train.赶上火车3. To be introduced to.被介绍给…4. To come into conjunction with; join:与…相接;汇合:where the sea meets the sky.海天连接之处5. To come into the company or presence of, as for a conference.会谈:加入一团体或出席,如开会时6. To come to the notice of (the senses):(感官)注意到:There is more here than meets the eye.这里比你看到的还多7. To experience; undergo:经历;忍受:met his fate with courage.勇敢地面对他的命运8. To deal with; oppose:应付;与…交战:“We have met the enemy and they are ours”(&b{Oliver Hazard Perry})“我们已与敌人会战且战胜了”(奥利弗·哈泽德·佩里)9. To cope or contend effectively with:处理:有效地处理或抗争:meet each problem as it arises.处理每个出现的问题10. To come into conformity with the views, wishes, or opinions of:达到要求:就观点、愿望或意见取得一致:The firm has done its best to meet us on that point.公司在那方面已尽了最大的努力来符合我们的要求11. To satisfy (a need, for example); fulfill:满足(如需要);实现:meet all the conditions in the contract.See Synonyms at &b{satisfy} 符合合同中的所有条款参见 satisfy12. To pay; settle:支付;解决:enough money to meet expenses.支付开支的足够数量的钱v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To come together:见面:Let's meet tonight.让我们今晚见面吧2. To come into conjunction; be joined:相会;汇合:“East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”(&b{Rudyard Kipling})“东方就是东方,西方就是西方,两者永不会相会”(鲁德雅德·吉卜林)3. To come together as opponents; contend.会战:敌对双方的遭遇;交战4. To become introduced.被介绍5. To assemble.集合6. To experience or undergo. Used withwith : 经历;遭受。与with 连用: The housing bill met with approval.住房议案被通过了7. To occur together, especially in one person or entity:同时发生:同时发生,尤指在一个人或实体中:“The hopes and fears of all the years/Are met in thee tonight”(&b{Phillips Brooks})“这些年来所有的希望与恐惧/今晚同时发生在你身上”(菲利普斯·布鲁克斯)n.(名词)A meeting or contest, especially an athletic competition.运动比赛:集会或比赛,尤指运动比赛习惯用语:meet (someone) halfway  To make a compromise with.与…妥协语源:1. Middle English meten 中古英语 meten 2. from Old English m¶tan 源自 古英语 m¶tan  meet 2  meet 2  AHD:  [m¶t] D.J.  [mi8t]K.K.  [mit]adj.(形容词)Fitting; proper:合适的;适当的:“It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place”(&b{Shakespeare})See Synonyms at &b{fit} &+{1}“那看上去不合适,也无益于我这地方”(莎士比亚)参见 fit1语源:1. Middle English mete 中古英语 mete 2. from Old English gem&9{Æte} * see  med- 源自 古英语 gem&9{Æte} *参见 med- 继承用法:meet“ly  adv.(副词)




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