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单词 memory
释义 memory['meməri]n. 记忆, 记忆力, 回忆, 纪念, 存储n. 内存【计】 存储器, 内存, 查看内存实用程序【化】 寄存器【医】 记忆[力]相关词组:if my memory serves mehave a good memoryhave a bad memorydeeply cherish the memory ofbeyond the memory of menwithin the memory of mencommit sth to memoryhave a memory like a sieveslip sb's memoryto the best of one's memoryin memory of memory  mem.o.ry  AHD:  [mµm“…-r¶] D.J.  [6mem*ri8]K.K.  [6mWm*ri]n.(名词)  【复数】 mem.o.ries 1. The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.记忆,记忆力:储存与回忆以往经历的大脑之能力2. The act or an instance of remembering; recollection:回忆:记忆的行动或具体例子;回忆:spent the afternoon lost in memory.用整个下午回想往事3. All that a person can remember:记忆的范围:一个人所能记住的一切:It hasn't happened in my memory.我记不得了4. Something remembered:记忆中的往事:被记住的事(或人):pleasant childhood memories.愉快的童年回忆5. The fact of being remembered; remembrance:追思:被记住的事实;纪念:dedicated to their grandparents' memory.谨以此书纪念他们的祖父母6. The period of time covered by the remembrance or recollection of a person or group of persons:记忆时期:追想得起的年限,对某人或某一群人的回忆:within the memory of humankind.在人类的记忆中7. Biology Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.【生物学】 行为的修正:由动物过去的经历导致的保持终生的行为修正8. Computer Science 【计算机科学】 9. A unit of a computer that preserves data for retrieval.存储器,记忆体,内存:存储数据以备日后查用的计算机部件10. Capacity for storing information:存储量:存储信息的能力:two million bytes of memory.两百万字节的存储量11. Statistics The set of past events affecting a given event in a stochastic process.【统计学】 过去发生的事:在一随机过程中影响一给定事件的过去发生的一组事件12. The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation.弹性,恢复能力:物质变形后恢复原来形状的能力,如塑料或金属语源:1. Middle English memorie 中古英语 memorie 2. from Anglo-French 源自 英法语 3. from Latin memoria 源自 拉丁语 memoria 4. from memor [mindful] * see  (s)mer- 1源自 memor [留意的,注意的] *参见 (s)mer- 1参考词汇:1. memory,remembrance,recollection,reminiscence2. These nouns denote the act or an instance of remembering, or something remembered.这些名词都是指记忆的行动、一具体记忆例子或记住的事件。3. Memory  is the faculty of retaining and reviving impressions or recalling past experiences: Memory  是指储存、再现印象或回想起过去的经历的能力: “My earliest memories were connected with the South” (Thomas B. Aldrich).“我最早的记忆是与南方联系在一起的” (托马斯B·艾尔里奇)。4. Remembrance   most often denotes the process or act of recalling: Remembrance  最通常的含义是指回忆的过程或行动: The remembrance of his humiliation was almost too painful to bear.对于他所受到的侮辱的回忆使他痛苦得不能忍受。5. Recollection  is sometimes interchangeable withmemory :  Recollection  有时可与memory 互换:  After a few minutes' recollection she produced the answer.经过几分钟的回想,她给出了答案。6. Reminiscence  is the act or process of recollecting past experiences or events within one's personal knowledge: Reminiscence  是指在个人记忆范围内回想过去之经历或事件的行动或过程: They spent some time in reminiscence before turning to the business that had brought them together. 他们回忆了一会往事,然后才转向将他们聚集到一起的事务上来。




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