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单词 meridian
释义 meridian[mə'ridiən]n. 子午线, 经线, 顶点a. 子午线的, 最高点的, 顶点的【化】 经线; 子午线【医】 子午线, 经线, 经络(针灸) meridian  AHD:  [m…-r¹d“¶-…n] D.J.  [m*6r!di8*n]K.K.  [m*6r!di*n]n.Abbr. m.,M.,mer.(名词)缩写 m.,M.,mer.1. An imaginary great circle on the earth's surface passing through the North and South geographic poles. All points on the same meridian have the same longitude.过两极的大圆:一个通过地球表面南北两极的假想线圈。同一子午线上的所有点都具有相同的经度2. Either half of such a great circle from pole to pole.子午线:从极点到极点的大线圈的一半3. Astronomy A great circle passing through the two poles of the celestial sphere and the zenith of a given observer.【天文学】 天体的经线:通过天体上两极和一假定观测物天顶的大圈4. Mathematics 【数学】 5. A curve on a surface of revolution, formed by the intersection of the surface with a plane containing the axis of revolution.回转面曲线:回转面与通过旋转轴的平面相交而形成的位于回转面上的曲线6. A plane section of a surface of revolution containing the axis of revolution.切平面:通过旋转轴回转面的部分平面7. Any of the longitudinal lines or pathways on the body along which the acupuncture points are distributed.经脉;经络:任一分布在身体上针炙点所呈现的纵向线或轨迹8. Archaic 【古语】 9. The highest point in the sky reached by the sun or another celestial body; a zenith.天顶:太阳或别的天体在天空中所达到的最高点;天顶10. Noon.正午11. The highest point or stage of development; peak:鼎盛,颠峰:发展的最高点或最高阶段;顶峰:“Men come to their meridian at various periods of their lives”(&b{John Henry Newman})“男人在其一生中达到全盛时期的时间是不同的”(约翰·亨利·纽曼)12. Upper Midwest See  median strip See Regional Note at neutral ground 【中西部偏北】 参见  median strip参见 neutral groundadj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to a meridian; meridional.经线的,子午线的:子午线的或与子午线有关的;经线的2. Of or at midday:正午的或在正午的:the meridian hour.正午时刻3. Of, relating to, or constituting the highest point, as of development or power:顶点的:顶点的、与顶点有关的或构成顶点的,如发展或权力:the empire in its meridian period.处于全盛时期的帝国语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French [midday] 源自 古法语 [正午] 3. from Latin mer&9{ºdi³nus} [of midday] 源自 拉丁语 mer&9{ºdi³nus} [正午的] 4. from mer&9{ºdi¶s} [midday] 源自 mer&9{ºdi¶s} [正午] 5. from mer&9{ºdi¶} [at midday] 源自 mer&9{ºdi¶} [在正午] 6. from Old Latin *mediei di¶ 源自 古拉丁语 *mediei di¶ 7. *mediei [dative (locative) of] medius [middle] * see  medhyo- *mediei  [] medius的与格(位置格) [中间的] *参见 medhyo- 8. di¶ [dative of] di¶s [day] * see  deiw- di¶  [] di¶s的与格 [白天] *参见 deiw-  Meridian  AHD:  [m…-r¹d“¶-…n] D.J.  [m*6r!di8*n]K.K.  [m*6r!di*n]NONE(无词性)A city of eastern Mississippi near the Alabama border east of Jackson. It was razed by Gen. William T. Sherman's troops in February 1864. Population, 46,577.梅里第安:美国密西西比州东部一城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界附近,杰克逊东部。在1864年2月被威廉·T·谢尔曼将军的军队踏平。人口46,577




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