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单词 apocalypse
释义 apocalypse[ə'pɒkəlips]n. 启示, 天启 apocalypse  a.poc.a.lypse  AHD:  […-p¼k“…-l¹ps”] D.J.  [*6pKk*7l!ps]K.K.  [*6p$k*7l!ps]n.(名词)1. Apocalypse Abbr. Apoc.Bible The Book of Revelation.Apocalypse 缩写 Apoc.【圣经】 启示录2. Any of a number of anonymous Jewish or Christian texts from around the second centuryb.c.  to the second century a.d.  containing prophetic or symbolic visions, especially of the imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous. 启示文学作品:一种作者不详的,公元前 2世纪至 公元 2世纪左右的犹太教或基督教启示文学作品,包含预言或象征情景,尤指世界末日迫近和正义者救世的内容 3. Great or total devastation; doom:大动乱,大灾变;毁灭:the apocalypse of nuclear war.核战争的灾变4. A prophetic disclosure; a revelation.先知预言;天启语源:1. Middle English Apocalipse 中古英语 Apocalipse 2. from Late Latin Apocalypsis 源自 后期拉丁语 Apocalypsis 3. from Greek apokalupsis [revelation, Apocalypse] 源自 希腊语 apokalupsis [启示,天启] 4. from apokaluptein [to uncover] 源自 apokaluptein [揭开] 5. apo- [apo-] apo- [前缀,表示“离开”,“远离”] 6. kaluptein [to cover] * see  kel- 1kaluptein [覆盖] *参见 kel- 1




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